ForumsThe TavernOur Habits

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121 posts

So, I was just wondering what habits other people have. I asked my friend and it turns out we had the same habit. When I hit, scratched, or go up the stairs I "balance stuff out", meaning if my leg gets hit I slap my other leg to keep the pain balanced. And when I'm going up the stairs I distribute the weight evenly so if I take a heavy step by accident I take a heavy step with my other foot etc., etc.
The question now is: What are YOUR habits?

  • 36 Replies
6,257 posts

If I borrow a pen or pencil from you, watch out. I might return it with bite marks. The funny thing is, I don't chew my own pens or pencils, so this only happens when I borrow OTHER people's. This usually results in a swift transfer of writing utensil ownership and I get to keep it.

Weird, right? Another habit of mine includes my ability to keep still when a friend watches a movie I like and I'm just sitting there waiting for that friend to get to the good part of the movie, trying oh-so-hard not give out spoilers. I've learned to tame my urge, but I used to ruin quite a couple of movie experiences for people on accident. ;_;

1,373 posts

I eat too much cheese.

Well, in a much broader sense, I snack too much. I liked to eat large things (sometimes considered meals) or have really small snacks which results in me running out of food to eat sometimes. I guess that is a habit.

Oh, and I swear too much. Why? I don't know. It just comes out sometimes. Most of the time... a lot of times.

9,808 posts

So, I was just wondering what habits other people have. I asked my friend and it turns out we had the same habit. When I hit, scratched, or go up the stairs I "balance stuff out", meaning if my leg gets hit I slap my other leg to keep the pain balanced. And when I'm going up the stairs I distribute the weight evenly so if I take a heavy step by accident I take a heavy step with my other foot etc., etc

That isn't a habit, that is being OC.


I'll just state one right now..

When doing front squats or back squats off the rack, I have a habit of doing a sort of 'jump' to get in position.
191 posts

I always rub my hands on my pants...or shorts or any lower-wear.

222 posts

I asked my friend and it turns out we had the same habit. When I hit, scratched, or go up the stairs I "balance stuff out", meaning if my leg gets hit I slap my other leg to keep the pain balanced. And when I'm going up the stairs I distribute the weight evenly so if I take a heavy step by accident I take a heavy step with my other foot etc., etc.

Wow I do that too... actually, it used to be so bad that if I walked clock-wise around an object, I had to walk counter-clockwise around it the same number of times. It took until I was 12 to be able to control that a bit, but even now I sometimes get an edgy feeling when I don't go around counter-clockwise.
It also was there when spinning. If I spun in a circle one way, I had to do it the other, if I wrote something with one hand, I had to (try to) do it with the other. That's partially why I'm ambidextrous.
464 posts

I smell things. Like nose to stuff.

Not just food, walls, floors, books, even cars.

I don't know why, but some part of me tells me to do it, so I do it, it was really weird and I wished I didn't have it, I mean, my friends try to stay away from me. So, I didn't really have much friends. Only the loyal ones stay.

But now, I learnt to prevent it, Whenever I wanted to smell something I look away. Sure it was hard, but I managed to get the hang of it.

Unfortunately.... there are more...

I make sounds. I don't know what kind of sound, but it's coming from you're throat. That, I haven't done anything to prevent it yet...

13,055 posts

I twist my hair all the time, I mean ALL THE TIME!
I can't help it so I keep my hair short so I can't do it for 1 1/2 month but as soon as my hair is long enough, there I am twisting it without even noticing it! :O
My GF keeps telling me, otherwise I wouldn't realize it.
When I don't twist my hair I play with something. I guess my hands have to keep busy.

1,621 posts

one of my habits i wont post. "keeps myself from the embarrassment" but i have the habit the only other habit i can think of is talking too much during a movie or show. i just like poitining out things and explain why they happen

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I love to whistle. In tune or not, it doesn't matter. Pisses off my friends and colleagues. Causes too much trouble when ladies think I'm being cheeky.

283 posts

I spit in any type of toilet or urinal before i pee in it.

1,315 posts

Does being allergic to being told what to do count?

I tend to walk out of fights. Rightfully annoys the hell out of the afflicted parties, although I'd like to think the alternative could be worse...

9,808 posts

One or two of these may be OC issues...

-When I eat, I will take a bite, chew on one side of mouth..take another bite and chew on opposite side..another bite and chew with front teeth..take another bite and suck on the food for a while, enjoying the taste per se.
Then eat normally then on.

-when listening to music, I tend to move my fingers along with the bass (moving the fingers for the picking and where the notes would be held)
*Also when listening to music, I might have the habit of either doing the double kick drums with my feet or creating a double kick drum pattern for the song with my feet.

-Could go with either listening to music or not, but I have a habit of drumming on surfaces I'm sitting at with the joint of my pinky (as opposed to those that use their pointer finger as a whole, fyi)...I prefer to try to make odd beats instead of basic ones.

-When walking, and this could be from my ADHD, but I have a tendency to look all over (usually darting my head from random place to random place)..especially if I see movement from something or if I hear something. Probably looks interesting if you are someone passing me or walking behind me, but least I'm well aware of my surroundings.

And we'll stick with these for now. May have more later.

191 posts

I can barely tell the thin line between a habit and OC.
Though I think this is a habit: Looking up when I'm reaching for something in my bag instead of looking at my bag.

1,298 posts

Wiping my hand on my teeth, eating chicken with my hand.

34 posts

I just go to toiled and watch my poop droping in the toilet everyday...Yes i know i have a sad life :'(

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