ForumsForum GamesLife Of an Escaped Clone (''Deathmatch'' RPG)

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2015 After recolinisation; the apocalypse has already occured, some 3000 years ago, earth has been recolinised and has reached almost exactly the same state.
Save large pine-forests on America, marches on Australia and slightly advanced tech world-wide.

Nickel Inc, one of the most advanced lab's in Knucklebones (Read Texas) has long been working on making test-tube babies designed for combat.

After creating several successful clones, they create a mixed batch, programmed to have strong urges to eradicate all other clones in the batch. Releasing these and
locking down the facility they leave. Planning to come back after the action has cooled down, supposedly being left with only the most effective clones.

Unfortunately some clones, break into the boiler room with the intention of blowing up the lab in a suicidal attempt to destroy the other clones. Many are killed by the resulting blast, but a good fifty survive, now no longer hemmed in by the now lab's walls. These hide in the city, having large shoot-outs in public places to the chagrin of the sheriff.

In this forum you play as one of these artificial-humans, but be wary, some clones have excelled to an elite level, and while the police will only detain you Nickel Inc soldiers will gladly cut you down.
This is not a friendly world to be spawned into.

No auto hitting, killing, unlocking, traversing, ect.
No cussing in english.
Clones are limited to Saline City Knucklebones and are unable to leave.
No flash-dancing.

Due to the tyrannical nature of Vodafone I will only be able to post of Thursday to Monday each week.

Character sheet:
Fill in the brackets with your clones details.

Name: (The name your clone gives himself)
Notable features: (Most clones were formed as blond Caucasians in there late teens, but some my vary, having different skin,hair,eye colour or being albino or hetrochromatic.
Inventory: (Pick a side-arm form the list below.)
State: Healthy

Clones will start in the smouldering wreckage of the Nickel Inc's destroyed ware-house, armed with pistols kindly (stupidly) supplied by Nickel Inc.
This is located on beginning of Row street

  • 750 Replies
9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 12/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Kevlar
State: Healthy

I fire at his chest region, aiming for the heart. I continue to empty my cain into the group of three seeing as Luther is in the fridge and not in my cone of fire.

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 12/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

The first clone drops like an oak, a half formed curse dying on his lips.
Two more clones appear at the doorway, and you fire at the second clone, you hit him in the back, near the kidney.
The third clone near Luther fires at you, his finger on the trigger before he aim at you, sending a string of shots ripping through the air.
A bullet hits your vest, just on the cusp of your rib-cage and you feel the Kevlar compressing, addling your breathing.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 12/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

"Gah!" I half roll half stumble into the isle beside me, peeking over the top to shoot at the one who has Luther pinned.

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 9/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

As you fire he dives out of the way. One of the clones at the door draws a cleaning-knife and runs at you. Luther staggers out of the fridge, stemming a flow of blood from his nose.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 9/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

I crouch and attempt another bodyshot to take him down before he reaches me.

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

The clone decides a little thing like being dead shouldn't stops him, and continues rushing toward you, half falling. He crashes into you, sending his knife clattering against the ground, and pins you to the floor, with typical dead-man's spite.
Luther is holding Bob's Nambu Pistol, and aims at the last enemy clone.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

"Gah, blast!" I attempt to get my gun arm free to aim at the last enemy, if I can't see him then I attempt to get out from under him.

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

The last clone cries "The 139 model lives on!" (Probably addressing to the similar genetic of the group, hence there reason for ganging up.)
He upholsters his weapon, a hunting-revolver, and fires a few shots skyward, before running from the store, leaving Luther staring after him numbly. Bob comes out from the store room. He glances around, before saying "Disgraceful."

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar
State: Tired, hungry

"Those swear words. Gah! How's everybody? Luther? Bob?" I call as I shift the dead body off of me. I then loot it for anything it's got. "What happened?"

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife,Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

The dead clone only seems to have the knife he dropped, a vicious long blade, and short of taking his paper-clothes you find nothing to steal, save a crudely implanted ear-ring.
Luther stumbles forward blinking away a daze, "I'm okay," He says, brushing glass powder from his shoulder. "I nearly got my nose turned from a celestial to a nub."
Bob is confused. "What happened, did I miss something?"

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife,Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

"Good to hear, see if these guys have anything of use, I'm starved..." I say looking around for the cashier, or an employee, if nobody is about I take the most nutritious food around and much it right up.

I pat Bob on the shoulder, "Nothing much at all."

536 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18 ,second mag, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army
$16, knife,Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

The cashier is hiding behind the counter, peeking over the till.
He neither suggests a fine for the broken glass, or a drove-away-gang-of-gun-slingers discount.
You find a couple of dollar notes on the dead clones, as well as a fresh mag for your Cain, and a mostly empty WolfSpider Sub-machine-gun.
The later Luther claims, and gives Bob his Nambu back.

1,146 posts

Okay that was weird...(whistles innocuously).

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18 ,second mag, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army
$16, knife,Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

The cashier is hiding behind the counter, peeking over the till.
He neither suggests a fine for the broken glass, or a drove-away-gang-of-gun-slingers discount.
You find a couple of dollar notes on the dead clones, as well as a fresh mag for your Cain, and a mostly empty WolfSpider Sub-machine-gun.
The later Luther claims, and gives Bob his Nambu back.

9,363 posts

This is all very suspect...

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18 ,second mag, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, $16, Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

I throw the sub-machine-gun to Luther "There's not much in it but I don't want it."
I grab as much food as I can and slap the money I found on the Clones onto the counter. I then leave the shop.

1,146 posts

I never realized how skeptical your avatar looked until now.

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Cain 12 8/18 ,second mag, Waster 1/4, x2 8.5mm Rounds, Aspirin tablet.
Rifle cartridges x3, Anti-freeze, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, Vince Alvin Knife, 7.64 Tormenta Exacta 5/5, Frozen Wedges, Fat Free Carrots, Ponchos Original Corn Chips.
Armour: Collapsing Kevlar,
State: Tired, hungry

The cashier takes the money with out counting it, and disappears into the staff room. Outside it is dark, and you find a parked Ute, supposedly that of the recently deceased.

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