Caras Galadhon: A community in a forest, living on the trees. Sounds like a winner; I'm not sure if I would feel safe up there though, and I really hope I'd get enough light through the tree crowns. Vivec City: Huge city (in relation with the others in the game), and has a demigod at its head. People of all races and classes live there. Downsides are the ordinators, and the fact that the game designers could have made it looks a lot more alive. The City: Big metropole. The moon/planet/whatever looks quite cool. Looks quite like most real bigger cities. City 17: looks grey and insipid to me.
I think I will vote for Vivec City. I just love those games..
I don't mind the ubiquity of these type of threads, they're rather organized in terms of discussion topic, and they seem popular.
I vote Lothlórien, because I'd never live in the rest. That elvish haven has a far richer history and setting compared to the others rolled up in one.
I vote for The City because it has the most natural looking landscape with a wispy tranquil sky. I have no idea where any of these are from but The City is my favourite.