The commenting system of profiles is gone!o.0Here is a screenshot:I am able to participate in the forums.Yaay!=)
I accidentally found a little something due to a little misspelling, joel here has his comment section back. Checking other profiles I found that people who don't have any quests completed seem to have it open.~ManlyMan
Same ol' AG. We wouldn't to change it now, would we? Probably be fixed by this afternoon. I wouldn't worry. =D
well,posted another thread before reading this...
It's fixed now! At least it's fixed on my account
It's fixed.. was a problem at our hosting site. Thanks for reporting it -- you might be a bit more descriptive in your title next time
Thanks everybody that let us know.
Does this mean that there is no amazing update with all sorts of new amazing features yet?
At least one new feature is up^^
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