Well firstable good night, i need to know if i can get some help with my problem, someone is inside of my armor game account and i try changing my password and my email, but in a few minutes latter i see that he put is own mail over the mine and i was like WTF. Well the thing is that i play a Online game called "The last stand - Dead zone" and his muder****er are selling almost all my stuff, and i dont know what to do, i can't logout my account cause if he change the password again i couldnt open again, and im lv 38 on the game (and believe me is too hard to lv up). I contact an moderador of the company how design the game(Con Artist Games), and they put my Account lv 38 on a supension mode for two days untill i get some help from Armor games, and i send my Help message to armor games, and they say that i have to wait 24 hours till they send me a answer e-mail, but the 24 hours are over and i dont have recive any message, and im afraid of the suspension time get over and the muder****er who is inside of my account sell more stuff. I need some help please, tell me what can i do ((. My e-mail: Games_arroyo@hotmail.com
thanks you so much unleas , but i open his page ever 10 minutes to see if he is off yet, and yep just the red point next his name ( i need help quickly, the supended time is gona over this night :'(
Is this one, every single time that i see the "Edit profile" i have another mail over the mine, and on description he puts something like "i have three computers, lets see who logout the account first" or stuff like this
[quote=LePapel]but i open his page ever 10 minutes to see if he is off yet[/quote]
It's the weekend coming up; so if no mod or admin gets back to you here or in private before, you may have to wait until Monday at the earliest, I'm afraid. Somewhere-in-the-US-time.
[quote=devansh_asthana]Can I have the link of the account that is hacked?[/quote]
I can think of reasons to be a bit reticent with giving out such information in public. The poster apparently already got hacked once, right ;-P
I can think of reasons to be a bit reticent with giving out such information in public. The poster apparently already got hacked once, right ;-P
It's the weekend coming up; so if no mod or admin gets back to you here or in private before, you may have to wait until Monday at the earliest, I'm afraid. Somewhere-in-the-US-time.
You can ask ConArtists for another suspension mode quickly!Let's not lose hope!I think ConArtists can be active for the night,He gives you another suspension mode and we will get more time to think of a solution!
I'm looking into this, you should also be doing virus scanners on your system to make sure it wasn't a Trojan/Spyware or some other nefarious method that he got your login information. If your machine is compromised, then nothing we can do will help you.
Hi sir, you dont know how much i had wait and see you personal page till you come ON x). Well the thing is that i need to know if you can close my account from all the computers where i let him open, cuz its not a virus or anything like that, i let my account open in a cyber cafe, where alot people play the same game "The last stand - Dead zone" and i forget to close him, or idk if that computer was having a keylogen that copy my password, so i have changed the email and the password a few hours ago and that seem like if the guys still sleeping cuz every 10 minutes i open my edit profile and still my e-mail. and i guess that my pass too. I appreciate what ever you can do for me sir
i let my account open in a cyber cafe, where alot people play the same game "The last stand - Dead zone" and i forget to close him
That indeed is a good way to get hacked.. Also, if you are changing your password and email all the time is he staying logged in I'm assuming? I think the admins probably have some way they can IP ban the hacker so he can't access your account anymore, but you will probably have to wait until Monday at earliest.