ForumsThe TavernChildhood Memories

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Grand Duke

Pretty straight forward, but what was your fondest or most prominent childhood memory?

For of the fondest it would be playing on my Gameplay Colour for the first time.....Watching TwitchPlaysPokemon brings back the joy of hammering away for the first time, and catching my first Pokemon (Rattata), after trying to find a Pokeball for 3 days, and then bragging to my twin. ^^

  • 26 Replies
697 posts

Yeah my childhood was great also playing mario tons of hours i also founded secret areas in mario by myself . it was cool ^^

1,315 posts

Your fondest childhood memories are of playing computer games? Tssk... [Walks off muttering something about kids these days & what is this world coming to, & all that.]

697 posts

no.. its not a computer game it was on a console

697 posts

I also played Pokemon too it was great but i was a bit more addictive to mario after that

3,171 posts

Ahem...Back in the day, we didn't have any of your fancy game gadgets with the touchy screens and the inter-net hookup. To play a vidya game, you had to buy a new manual and some numbered reels for your difference engine and set it up by hand. You controlled it with a row of cranks that turn the columns. The sound was played using a multiple track dict-a-belt and only rich people who could afford vacuum tubes had picture...This was back when them digytal screens were restricted to military use...Of course, even then, the legal vidya gaming age was 39, so not many people would be playin' kids...specially since it was punishable by public hangin' and...and - Now what was I on about?

697 posts

I played mario when the console came out i played all way pokemon til the console also i diidnt know how to control it was a bit difficult but i master it a few tries after

18,319 posts

I remember one extremely well. It was at my grandma's house and she has long stairs leading to a basement with a cement floor. Well when I was 4 I fell down those stairs, it was not fun. It hurt especially when I got to the cement floor.

My childhood wasn't very happy.

1,315 posts

My childhood wasn't very happy.

LOL. If that's your fondest memory, I can only imagine My commisseration

(Yes, I have been thinking of mine. Hard to single out one in particular though.)
13,055 posts

Too much happened to really pick out something.
I had great moments until my dad became alcoholic and started arguing with my mom all the time, then came the divorce and all the bad things that comes with it.
I remember the great Christmases I had as a kid though.
On Christmas eve we went to my grandma (father side) and had a party with my huge family, we were about 12 kids and 28 adults in the house.
On Christmas day we went to my other grandma or at my uncle's chalet with the other family (mother's side).

I was spoiled because I had about 20 uncles and 10 aunts so there were many presents for me under the trees.

After my parent's divorced, it all fell apart.

3,675 posts

I remember when gas was under .99/gallon.

Does that count?

8,231 posts

Okay, my very first memory is a dream about thinking that seeing would be something like looking through binoculars. I'm not sure if that was a thing or a dream of a dream.
The first real memory was standing in a playpen watching Snow White on tv. Back when video squares were still a thing. I hope you know I mean the tapes...
And then there was the playground at my elementary school where I almost broke my back but instead winded myself. There used to be a cherry tree there but they cut that down recently. There was also a slide, and we'd play the sliding game where you slide down the slide but sit in the bottom of it so when more people come down they squoosh you to bits, and we'd all get up and run away when this one girl went because she wasn't also exactly small. And there was the twisty slide that I used to go down the edges of until I fell, the weird lumpy monkeybars that people would have monkeybarbattles on by going to the middle and kicking the other person until they fell down. I used to daydream that the monkey-bars would unhinge, swing up into the sky, and I could climb up them into CareBear land. Then they built the second, smaller playground. I used to stand on a platform there and pretend I commanded the wind and would try to make those tiny tornadoes with a stick. And I also would hide under the platforms and read and eat icicles if they formed and write cryptic messages on the ground with mulch. The one I remember the most said PK-A! I have no idea why.
There was an auditorium, which was a big brick area that we went on about never. Once it flooded, about ten feet tall of water. I found snails in there, put them in my pocket, and then gave them to my teacher to do a math problem on the overhead with, except the snails came out of their shells and oozed around, so I had to release them. It made me sad. I built a house for them out of mulch, and then one of the other students had to come look for me because apparently I took ten minutes building a house.
There was an area where there were weird berry trees with delicious berries so six or seven fifth graders and I would sit on each other's shoulder to try and get the berries so we could eat them .We eventually got yelled at for that, but they were good. I would eat them all day. To this day, though, I still don't know what kind of berries they were.
I remember when I was in first grade I had a fourth-grader friend and sometimes her grandpa would randomly be on the playground and we'd play hide and seek. It literally just occurred to me now that he might've been a pedophile. There was also a gap under the fence near where those berry trees were and I dared myself to crawl under there and frolic in the ivy on the other side. I only did that once, though, because I was a good kid at the time. On the other side of the playground there was a track, and once I got my foot tangled in a soccer net, skinned the heck out of my knee, but I had to finish my laps, so I chose my favorite person from the class to run next to me. He aimed his hands at my knee and said he was sending power to it and made "fsshhh" sound effects, but I actually felt it working. There was also a huge plastic apple the size of my head on the other side of the fence, and there was this little area that lead to the front of the school on the side of the track that wasn't fenced in, and there were pecan trees there. Once I brought home a lot of pecans and my mom made a pie. There were also some of those ever-greenish bushes on the side of the school, and once there was a pumpkin-carving contest and the kids in my class smeared orange guts on the bricks and the teachers got mad. I tried to set up a cozy little nest in there because it was like a maze, but the dead green things were really sharp.
There was also that experiment with the terrarium, with the minnows and the crickets. I loved my fish. My third-grade teacher had a hamster, who died the day after school started.
Oh, and tamagotchis were all the rage. I had three, and I made sure they were friends with my friends' tamagotchis, and then freaked out when I left one on the bus.
I could keep going on. The more I ramble, the more I remember about this stuff.
Now that I think of it, all of the teachers that taught me are gone. This is weird. It's a conspiracy.
Most of my exciting childhood memories were from elementary school. I don't remember much else.

1,315 posts

After my parent's divorced, it all fell apart.

I'm sorry to hear it. Pretty much likewise, over here.

Have great memories of my early youth. Probably of great help, by means of providing one with a certain basic security, a certain strength.

Then -- much happened, and it all got turned upside down & fell apart, indeed. Perhaps that much harder if you're not prepared for it. It is only of late that I feel I am truly coming into my own. (Well, I have, through much of my life, if for no other reason than simply by going my own way. But, different.)

I must say it's been a long way, and often tough, and I was close to going under. All now seems to be far behind me (even though it is quite fresh), and I feel as though I've truly "come out the other side." A survivor, yes perhaps, and freed of much that appears to bind us humans in the process. Which is exactly what I strove for.

If you will. It is hard to speak of without sounding arrogant (and surely I feel no different than anyone else!); and I sometimes feel like guiding some of those around here in their life's questions, but people have to find their own ways. Don't they.

So. I'll be goofing along, and we'll just see. Cheers
697 posts

I didint read all waht Storm posted at least i know elementary school is his childhood

9,808 posts

elementary school is his childhood

Congrats on the successful operation, Storm
6,400 posts

...almost broke my back but instead winded myself

...the sliding game where you slide down the slide but sit in the bottom of it so when more people come down they squoosh you to bits

...slide that I used to go down the edges of until I fell

tiny tornadoes

And I also would hide under the platforms...

weird berry trees

Once it flooded...

...sometimes her grandpa would randomly be on the playground and we'd play hide and seek... he might've been a pedophile.

I tried to set up a cozy little nest in there because it was like a maze, but the dead green things were really sharp.

It is really freaking me out right now how similar your elementary life was to mine. O_o

Oh, and tamagotchis were all the rage. I had three

Except that. I got a some knock-off version.

Also, you need to post a certain story. Remember the waterballons?
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