ForumsNews and Feedback[Suggestion] More AG website -> flash game interraction

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6 posts


It may has already been suggested, but I feel that more Quest-like content (with an event in the game triggering an event on the webpage) should appear... But the other way!

Many games have some kind of "Social reward", clicking on a Facebook link or something else giving you more money IG or whatever. I'm frustrated by this in two ways:
I don't have a Facebook nor a twitter account and I don't plan to have one,
From a developper point of view, you actually have no idea if the user has actually "liked" or "followed" your content, you barely know if they clicked (yes, I abuse that).
So what about something to allow games creators to know if the user has commented, rated, fav'ed the game? As an Armor Games user I could actually participate both in the community and in the flash game fame.

Thank you for your attention.

PS: If such a thing already exists, I haven't seen a single game using it! And I'd be sorry for the dumb topic, too.

  • 6 Replies
3,826 posts

Thanks for this, Kyll. We are currently looking in to making our game commenting system better - especially making useful reviews easier to see and rewarding users who write those reviews.
There may be some users who think that's unethical (or something like that) to 'coerce' gamers into fav'ing a game - though it seems like the facebook/twitter incentives are along those same lines!
We always appreciate suggestions and will take this under consideration as new AG features get rolled out.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

quote]Many games have some kind of "Social reward", clicking on a Facebook link or something else giving you more money IG or whatever. I'm frustrated by this in two ways:
I don't have a Facebook nor a twitter account and I don't plan to have one,[/quote]

Afaik you dont need an account on fb/twitter (or, in some games g+ and/or other things) to get this rewards, its enough to click on the link, then the devs fb/twitter-sites will open in a new window, you can close them without doing anything, just clicking on the link is enough to trigger the reward.

865 posts

So what about something to allow games creators to know if the user has commented, rated, fav'ed the game?

Just out of curiosity, why would the game developer be interested in knowing which individual users rated and fav'ed each game? They can already tell who has commented what, and if they care enough, they can read through every single game comment. They can also easily see ratings and the number of people who have fav'ed the game.
7,042 posts
Grand Duke

Just saw the the forum eat a good partb of my post... late, but i saw it^^
So once more:

And thats all what they want. Its a invitation to like/follow them, nothing more.
I have no idea if there is a way to enforce users to like/follow them for the reward, but i am rly sure that this could backfire... duress isnt a good way.

I dont know if they even care about ratings or how many users fav their game , not to mention that they push their game to (mostly) to more than one site.
Ratings... well, a high rating not bad to get attention, but in the end its nothing more than a matter of taste.
If they want to know they can see how many users fav their game, and if they are rly interested in who they are they can contact AG, if thats needed AG will find a way to let them know who they are... but i dont see a need for that, the most devs still have a website so users can give them feedback there if they want (ok, they need to make an account there, but thats not a big deal).
And comments... this mean to sort out all the spam, then view them... this will require a lot of time, lot of manpower you can better invest in other things. As mentioned before if users want to give them feedback they can do in their forums. Thats the place where the "real" fans will meet, which give them a better feedback than view the AG comments.

6 posts

The main point of my suggestion is not to know who rated you nor to generate spam.

The point is to provide game developpers a sure way to know if the user has actually participated in your game (rather than clicked a link not to do anything more, as I said in my previous post) thanks to Armor Games.
This could be achieved through fav'ing the game, commenting, or any better way since there is probably some.

This is not meant at all to let the developper "know" who liked their game and contact them, or the other way...
Plus I do think that many developpers actually care about AG. It's not rare at all to see a special AG version of their game, for example to support quests or have the AG login. On many other flash games website you can still see the AG logo and have an unactive AG login.

So this is not meant to create more developper user interraction, but to let the game create more reactions in the community; more reactions meaning more visibility and more AG user participation.

2,419 posts

I feel this will generate spam in the reviews, as if you review the game you get coins, people could just say "review" and get the reward, thus generating spam.

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