We have all said this, or some variant in our life time. Putting things off because we don't want to do them. So why do you put things off? What kind of things are you currently putting off right now as you read this thread and then formulate a response?
I for one am horrible at always putting things off. So far I have been putting off doing a paper that is due tomorrow, signing a few papers I need to do, and being productive in general. I don't know why I do it. It makes me more miserable because I know I still have to do it. I just make questionable decisions.
Wanted to reply yesterday, but in line with the threads spirit I did it today. ^^
I used to have this problem, now its the opposite, what with me rushing head first into my tasks, slamming at first notice into them even though the deadline is aeons away. I think I prefer my past laziness now I'm just stressed. :'(
Ahhh procrastination... I remember always putting my work aside and doing it later, I still do but I always finish a good chunk of work before I procrastinate. Also when you're running about 3 RPGs you always think, "Eh, I'll reply to that one later. I'll reply to this one instead."
I always say I'm going to procrastinate, but I never get around to it.
As big of a procrastinator as I used to be, I can't say I have enough deadlines in my life anymore to classify myself as one at this time. One of the perks of being a minimalist. I'm sure if I ever end up not being a hermit, I'll have more to deal with, but for now, I'll save that lifestyle for....later.
Your brain doesn't want to use unnecessary effort and likes it when things are easy. It lights up with endorphins when all the goodly nice things are performed.
Then why am I attempting to code a flash game, from scratch, with no experience, based on a few thin text tutorials, instead of reading flash cards for an upcoming test? This is way more difficult, more stressful and matters much less. o_0 or sleeping? I could be sleeping right now.
Cause your brain likes it. It's a "goodly, nice thing". This is more a hobby than a chore/work, yes?
This is way more difficult, more stressful and matters much less. o_0 or sleeping?
You see it as something fun to do. Most likely if someone was over you forcing you to do it then you would not be wanting to do it. But you believe what you will learn from it is better and while it is hard you are enjoying doing it. Or in Frank's terms, it is a "goodly, nice thing" to you.
I didn't study for any of my finals last semester because, frankly, I outright didn't want to. I still got decent grades on them, which was nice. Aside from that I almost never procrastinate. My time is usually wasted overthinking things instead. =/
I'm a right-brain person, though. Art, creativity and imagination usually overrules math, reality and logic.
Just FYI, the left/right brain concept isn't actually real. Now it's more of a schema used to consider personalities.
Well I prefer the term procrastination because I wait till the last second mostly because the longer i wait the older I am thus the wiser I am but I m not really putting anything off at the moment but I do and always will
I put everything off to the point where i forget to do it completely.. my grades were so bad in middle school that i was this close to repeating 7th grade.. xp