lol, when I go to this one Thai restaurant my mom always orders the hottest level possible and they call it thai spicy. I thought that was a one place deal, I guess not.
Haha... no. I need to, it would be good for me to actually have a bit of muscle and not just skin and bones. I just hate it so much... I eat pretty healthily though, so that counts for something *I say as I finish a cookie*.
Nope. I used to do it on my bike while jumping on the rear then front wheel and doing 180 degrees and playing soccer. I don't do it anymore because I have nowhere flat to do it, there are hills everywhere so it's hard to do anything fun.
Lifting your own weight + your bike makes your arms and hands (grip) really strong. I miss doing it. ;(
I hate using machines so my only workout is riding, walking and running a little.
lol, when I go to this one Thai restaurant my mom always orders the hottest level possible and they call it thai spicy. I thought that was a one place deal, I guess not.
Key the words highest on the menu. Most likely if you are in USA that isn't the hottest for what they would do in an Asian country. USA spice < Asian spice
Do you regularly workout?
I used to. Then I moved to Indiana and got really lazy. If it wasn't cold like for 2/3rds of the year I feel that it would be easier.