I've been meaning to make this for a while and I feel it's about time.QUESTION OF THE DAY!What is your favorite kind of soda?
Good beat and good lyrics. While songs i like are jpn, they come from animes with subs during watching.
I like a grand total of 5 songs.
A good beat/melody. Luckily, I don't have to compromise with most alt-rock.
Are you a procrastinator?
I'll get back to you on that....
I.E. Yes, big time. There have been threads I've been intending to make for a year or two.
Yes. Homework always seems to end up being done as close to the lesson as possible.
I'll get back to you on that next week. Or month. Or year... sometime.
Dang it Dapro I was procrastinating a thread about procrastinating. But yes, I do procrastinate a lot, homework, girls, threads, etc.
Yes, I procrastinate on everything.
Can't be. I work everyday of the week between two jobs and have more responsibilities outside of those. Time is precious.
Yes. I mean, studying for the midterm? What even is that?
im a huge procrastinator
Sadly, yes Also, welcome to the AG Forums @papperairplane !!!!
I procrastinate procrastination.
God knows how many I've procrastinated in the past few years. Hell, even now I'm procrastinating.
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