ForumsThe TavernWhat interesting things did you do today?

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Hello my honey moneys, this thread is a remake for a thread I made a year or 2 ago but was locked for some reason.

This thread is fairly simple, just talk about something interesting that happened to you today, nothing complicated, just that easy.

The interesting thing I did today was play Dapro in a game of Shell Shock Live 2, and played chess and backgammon with my dad.

  • 684 Replies
13,055 posts

Today I did what I like to do the most, even more than making levels in CTC2PP, and Siege Hero.
I edited some music.

It's a long process so if you're not interested in this, don't read it.

First I go to a used record store, spend 2-3 hours looking for vinyls, buy some, come home, get my velvet brush, pour some liquid cleaner in it, wait a minute, take the vinyls out of the jacket, lay it on a flat surface, clean it on both side, let it dry.

When it's ready I stick the vinyl (LP) on my Ion turntable connected to my laptop , use a magnetic brush to remove some static, then I digitize it.
Now the fun part starts.

I open my audio editor, load the entire wave file, analyse it to find and remove any clippings I find (Google it if you don't know what it is), write down the Max RMS and the average RMS of each tracks, add the results, divide it by 2, write down the numbers for later.

The second thing I do is to remove the background noise (using a 1 second sample before the music starts) by lowering it by 1 DB (not more or you start losing details). I then normalize the wave to -1 DB. Next I remove the pops and clicks, make sure I have 1/10th of a second before the start of the first track and 4 seconds at the end. Lastly I apply a fade out. I repeat the process for every tracks. I close the audio editor.

Now I sort the tracks by how loud they are, starting by the quietest to the loudest using the chart I made earlier. Once I listen to the final product, it sounds great and every songs has the same space between each other.

Last step, I burn it unto a CD because I still listen to CDs either on my CD player or on my laptop using Winamp.

I your ever made a compilation and realized that one track is louder or lower than the next one, it's really annoying to listen to. My method is 95% accurate because there's always a song that is hard to figure out especially if you mix different genres like a pop song with a rock song or alternative, R&B, etc.

Depending on how many CDs I make, it usually takes between 1 1/2 to 2 hours per disks.

I could do it all day long because I really enjoy editing music.

13,055 posts

Okay what I just witnessed was weird! We were coming back from the vet. My wife was driving and Gigi was sitting on my lap. The usual road we take was blocked because of some construction so we took a detour and went down my favorite steep hill.

All of a sudden the car ahead of us stopped. A second later a deer cross the street, then another one, another one, 2 more, and 3 more all back to back! :O

Where the heck did all those deer come from? I usually see 3 or 4 max on the bike path but not often, maybe 2 to 3 times a year but I never saw so many before. xD

The only reason I can think of is that their path was blocked by the construction so they tried another road but freaked out when they saw cars so they all bunched up in someone's back yard.

I hope they're okay. My puppy Gigi was like, wow, what was that?!
Her expression was priceless. xD

13,055 posts

I just did a search about deer and it seem that they have between 1 to 3 fawns per litter, 3 being rare. So they were definitely not from the same family. The weirdest thing is that the deer we saw were pretty much all the same size. :O

2,613 posts

I got in an argument about which is bigger:
Sauroposeidon vs Branchiosaurus
Poseidon is bigger, but they're kinda the same thing, but different time/sizes

13,055 posts

I was cleaning up a folder on my laptop when I came across this picture I downloaded last year.

I mean look at this poor guy. At first it's funny because the dog is wearing a shirt but after a while you look at the sad eyes. If that dog could talk he would say "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did they do this to me? I'm so ashamed, I hope my friends outside don't see me wearing this, I'll never go outside again!"

16,585 posts

Signed up for AFG+

6,400 posts

Well the most interesting thing that's happened to me in weeks happened to me today. I woke up on the bathroom floor with blood everywhere.

I don't know how I got there but I must have blacked out and hit my nose on the floor. The weird part was that there was blood literally everywhere on the floor, even if I was standing when the nosebleed started I don't know how it could have gotten so much and so far away. There was also some on the wall/door, as well as a couple drops on the counter.

Somehow after that, I had none on my clothes apart from a drop on my jeans, which was pretty amazing considering that my arms and hands had nearly no clean spots, just completely red. Additionally my head was hurting all over including the jaw and the back of my head (I woke up face down). It still hurts right now. Plus my arms were shaking pretty badly for about an hour afterwards. I had a couple cuts on my hand and shoulder but I seemed all the blood came from my nose, which doesn't seem to be broken.

I set to work cleaning up the mess, optioning to use a whole box of tissues rather than wreck a cloth. Took about 10 minutes but it's all good now!

6,400 posts

Went snowshoeing in a forest today. After a while we found a shelter with a dead moose inside... It didn't have any injuries and the decaying process hadn't started yet.

329 posts

I achieved hero of the week on AG

8,232 posts

The highlight of my day went something like this.

My friends and I were eating lunch outside, as usual. Someone at the next table over starts eating a banana. (And he ate it in a weird way, too; who peels all the peel off the banana before eating it?) Some people at our table know people at the other table, so we all started making exciting, probably not AG appropriate commentary and cheering the banana-eater on. Upon realizing that he had an audience, he made to throw the banana out, and we all booed at him, so he only threw the peel out and continued eating the banana. And when he finished the banana, our table applauded and cheered.
And then mob psychology happened. The rest of the outdoor eating area slowly joined in on the applause, and people were cheering and whistling and they didn't know why.
I would give a lot of things to have a picture of banana-boy's face at that moment.

6,400 posts

Funny, the highlight of my day also involved a banana.

16,585 posts

My sushi-tiger finally came out! Changed my armatar

2,136 posts


My day merely started and I learned that I don't like to wake up early to go to college.

13 posts

I mad several replies to comments and I played kingdom rush frontiers. I did loads of homework. I am getting over being sick, and I went outside for a couple hours. Yeah. Have a nice day see you on the flip side.

90 posts

I signed up to help some seniors with their awesome capstone project and I received some Valentine's Day chocolates. It was a good day.

Showing 406-420 of 684