I drew a fabulous doodle on my hand, and then my graphics teacher suggested that I scan my hand so I can keep the design and use it later. It made my hand tingly, but only because it's the flat scanner and I had a large piece of plastic sitting on my hand for five minutes because the scanner runs like a crotchety old man taking a dump. Which isn't very fast. And, um, hm. Half my lunch blew away in the wind today because it was windy, and I'd looked down for a minute to pick up a pencil and I look up and FWOOSH there goes my sandwich and my fruit snacks (which are more like fruit-scented rubber) off into the far yonder. After that we had to go inside.
I've been listening to songs from this list in the background of internetting. That's everything worth mentioning today, and it's probably not very scintillating for most of you, but for those of you synth-pop fans, that link may make your day a bit more interesting as well.
I just found out that they have a new design for a pepsi can. It's light blue, and it says pepsi under the logo.
That's every Pepsi can. You may have to grace us with some images so we can get an idea of what this alleged new design looks like.
The school's period schedule was mixed up today because of a bad play. The order was like this, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 4th(and lunch), and then 5th period, and then 5 minutes later we go to the play.
I woke up early today, stood in the freezing cold rain for 3 hours, only to learn that the tickets were sold out within half an hour... I came as close as standing 30 feet from the doorway to the office when a jolly dude steps out onto the street to tell everyone they can forget about buying weekend tickets, because they are sold out... I cursed... went home... drank a nice hot cup of coffee and now I'm going to releive some stress with a shooting game! What's the bloodiest game on here... hmmm... =P
I volunteered for a pirate thing at a kid's museum, and got stuck at a table where we were cleaning "irate gold". Basically, doing science experiments with little kids on how salt and vinegar cleans rusty pennies. And then I got vinegar in a paper cut.