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Greetings all!

We're going to be moving all our game comments, profile comments, MMO comments and editorial comments over to Disqus as early as this Friday. Because of this, I wanted to give you a FAQ to help solve any mysteries on the process...

What about Merits?

Merits will not live on our website in the same way, they can't be tied directly into the Disqus system which means they will no longer be comment-based. A simple Merit system will be created on our launch Friday that will grow more robust with time - allowing moderators/admins to merit people directly. Later e-mail notifications will be added to this as well.

You can also "Feature" a comment in Disqus, so that could also be awarded with your merit.

What about non-AG armatars?

A big concession we had to make with the Disqus system is that a Disqus account trumps our normal user accounts. This means users can name themselves whatever they like, and associate any armatar they like to their profile.

There will be alterations in our rules that discuss impersonation of other users, especially Moderators/Admins that will result in permanent bans. Also utilizing any exclusive armatars will result in a warning and possible further punishment.

Guest Accounts?

Guest accounts will be killed on site, and your real account warned. Guest accounts are not allowed on our Disqus comments.

Colored text for Knights/Admins/Moderators?

Not available right now in Disqus. You'll notice our accounts have "Moderator" next to our names. This text may change, but it means that person has moderator powers over Disqus comments.

What about total comment count?

This should be worked on before launch as well, nobody should lose their comment counts, just add on to their total.

What about old comments?

Still unknown the degree we'll be transferring over old comments. I'd love to hear your opinions though. This obviously is very tedious work, but I think me and @boppins agree that certain games (or comments) should make it over.

If you have any more questions let me know below.

  • 220 Replies
1,298 posts

Is there any chance to bring back old, good system?


I like this one better because the editing button.
13,344 posts

I like this one better because the editing button.

Having an edit button is better than having no delete button?

I don't understand this generation.
538 posts

Will my armatar change once I put a new one in through Disqus?

18,319 posts

Will my armatar change once I put a new one in through Disqus?

Nope, your armatar will not change.
13,055 posts

Why do I keep getting message 2,3,4,5,6 days late instead of right away after someone posted them? >:O

14,745 posts

It's a known glitch in the DisQus system @SSTG... if someone posts a comment, it won't show right away as it should, nor does the person of that profile receive a notification of this comment. This glitch can be solved by updating the comment by editing it or making a new second comment, allthough this second measure is not a guarantee... =)

13,055 posts

An amazing tale of Disqus.

Guy hanging onto a twig on the edge of a cliff: "Help, I'm going to fall, hurry!"
5 days later, Disqus relays the message.
Rescuer: "Don't move, hang on, help is on the way! Hey, where did he go?"
Guy barely alive at the bottom of the cliff: " I'm okay, except for 95% of my bones crushed. Thank you so much for coming so fast."

As soon as he finished talking, he died.

50 posts

I am seriously confused by this whole thing.
A while back, I think less than half a year ago, I became unable to comment in any game on this site, because Disqus. (Or so I thought...)
I would scroll down to the comment section and see a little red speech-bubble with a number in it, which AFAIK always means someone has replied to one of my comments. For the first half-year since AG merged(?) with Disqus, when I clicked on that red bubble it would show me what the reply is. But since then, it brings up a new page that overlaps the right half the page I'm on, telling me I to "Get more with a Disqus account!"

It seemed to me that in order to comment on AG, I have use an account from an entirely separate website. It's literally the exact same problem that I (& a hundred million other people) had when Youtube merged with Google+. I had never heard of Disqus before. Never made an account on it. No idea what it was. But last week, when viewing some website from some link in some Facebook post, and scrolling down to check the comments, I noticed that the formats of the comments were the same as they are on AG, and above them was the same red speech bubble with the same number (2, currently).

I never saw any announcements or explanations on AG before the Disqus thing happened (March of 2014??), but I had a crisis happen before then that severely limited my computer use, and I before that I wasn't active on these forums & only played games here intermittently. This morning I finally took initiative to look into the issue, and read this entire forum thread (all 22 pages!) So I have a better understanding of what Disqus is, but no answer to my main problem.
When I started to type this post, I went back to double-check what my problem was, and it turns out I CAN still comment as usual. But what about that red speech bubble? I moused over it, and Firefox showed me that it's a link to "". I clicked on it with my WHEEL BUTTON (which I use to open links IN A NEW TAB) and it opened the same page as before, asking me to log in or sign up for a Disqus account, but this time it opened in a proper tab rather than a half-tab overlaying the AG page I was on.

So, what do I do now? Should I create a Disquss account? Do I have one already that is in some way linked to my AG account? If so, how can I find out what my login info is? I've already tried entering my AG username & the e'mail address I use with my AG account, and using my AG password with each, but neither way worked.
And what's with the red bubble? Does it mean I have notifications from AG? If so, how can I see then without a Disqus account? If they're just a generic thing from Disqus that's automatically shown to every person who ever uses any website that uses Disqus while that person isn't logged into Disqus, just as a way to try to get more people to join Disqus which I don't want to if I don't have to... how can I get those notifications to permanently GO AWAY?
I want to get notifications when someone replies to me on AG. And when I see a notification, I want to know if it's of something from AG, not something irrelevant from some other stupid parasitic website. Is this even possible?

50 posts

P.S. That comment that I said I was able to make, which I did a matter of minutes ago under this game [url=], it appears to have disappeared already.
Not sure if it didn't get made successfully (even though I recall seeing it fully "made&quot, or if it's just the long delay in comments appearing, which was described in the posts right before mine in this thread.

Either way I can't seem to check what GAME COMMENTS I've made by looking in my AG profile. I *think* that was mentioned earlier in this thread as something we can do now which we couldn't do before Disqus (it's good for looking up our own comments that aren't the most recent), but my short-term memory is not good. Is that a feature we can do, or not? If so, how is it done?

2,980 posts

I am having the same problems^
Someone needs to answer this.

12 posts

Disqus was.. "okay" at the start, especially when you were allowed to update the comments WITHOUT a refresh.

Now.. you need to refresh the entire game, or open a seperate disqus website and refresh that.

But if you open a seperate website... you now have readonly, because you have to login. Do I use my armor games password? So now if I get hacked should I blame disqus?

12 posts

And the best part now about Disqus... is anything I post, doesnt show for 20 minutes for me.

Yet some people are responding (which I can't read), so instead of "Discussion" it's just another forum.

Amazing.. least we have "live chat" to replace disqus, that's how bad things have become.

32 posts

When I reply to comments it says I'm posting as my username, but posts under a different name (under my other disque account.)

Any tips on how to stop this. The other account uses my actual name *frown*

315 posts

I have a biiiiiiiiig problem. My chat won't show and I cannot visit any profiles. Please help...

1 posts

you should create category "new games", so it's easyer to find games that just disappear from the home...

Showing 196-210 of 220