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ForumsGames[necro] Warlord: Epic Conflict

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Ok, so there's no chance for AG-quests, and the game don't do anything to play above Beginner diff, and it is kinda repetitive, but some might just got curious, so how about collecting the different endings, and telling sg 'bout the extra modes?

Here is the Orcs of the North's' ending:

It isn't a very good race lacking in the special ability, but it is very straightforward (get the mage and ballista as siege weapon, don't get the scout troops, and you'll have a strong full army). The +1 damage can give you a push at the most early battles.
The special ability fills the field with swords randomly positioned, so if you ever use it (no idea if it kills allied troops too), cast it after you pushed back the initial wave, troops refilling at you, and the AI sends out a charge.
Worst enemies are the High Elves with their many bows (special ability), and the trolls (the freezing wind is annoying, faster preparation helps a lot against them).
As I was into the "Quantity over quality - in the end they'll run out of bullets" method, the occasional resurrected undeads ment also a small nuisance, but fortunately I took their city early, and their hero got down by the other AIs.

To those new to the series:
- the Campaign mode gives victory when you rule all lands.
- seems the two unlockable race don't go out to conquer anything.
- only heroes can capture lands.
- new heroes of a race can come only from their city. If a race has no city, and their hero falls, it'll mean no more threat to your expansion.
- to win a regular land you have to either fill the attack-bar (likely), or the side will win who pushed the attack-bar further when the time ends. You usually win the battle right when you release the first charge of spearmen.
- to win a castle-siege you must fill the attack-bar under the given time. Sending in troops via a ladder (ladders don't get taken away ever) pushes the bar the most. Damaging the walls (by siege engines and troops reaching the wall, but no ladder) also pushes the bar somewhat.
- defending a castle is about holding back the enemy for the entire five minutes.

  • 23 Replies
413 posts

After playing the Human Alliance:
I say the northern orcs were pretty balanced race, capable of doing everything equally, just with a ... not attractive special.

The Human Alliance is not like that.
They are EXCELLENT storm-troopers, meaning when it comes to conquer new territories (preferably not castles though), they are second to none. Buff their size of troops,, fasten the preparation just enough so they'll be ready when it is charging-time, have enough support-troops to hold back the enemy until you get charging, then release your massive amount of people, and combine the charge with the special ability, what makes them running, and boosts their attack too.

The problem comes from the same source: this race is entirely useless when they have to defend a castle, as there charging, slipping through the rank of the enemy is not a needed trait.

The Trolls are a nuisance early on, less problem if you go against them lately (hint: take their castle early to prevent procriation!).

The Wood Elves (I refered them unfortunatelly as the High Elves in the previous post) are not much problem, as you work witha single wave of troops, which will always be beyond their Rain of Arrow.

The Marcolites felt stronger as boss now, they could effectively decimate my ranks, of course at that point they were less than a threat.

NOTE: this time for any reason the AI did not sent out heroes, only when I first captured a field of them. Sounds like a bug, unknown origin.

NOTE 2: In the previous game I did quit (saved) once, and the AI got a free turn. Again sounds like a bug.

1 posts

thank you for this good topic i have .

993 posts

I was just about to create a topic about this, you saved my time
If I am correct, what you refer as "hero" is just the army of the race (the banner moving around and attacking/defending places).

seems the two unlockable race don't go out to conquer anything
is untrue. In my 1st try in the game as high elves, demons crushed mountain trolls for me and in the very end lastemon castle was destroyed by marcolites
993 posts


Should be: last demon
413 posts

If I am correct, what you refer as "hero" is just the army of the race (the banner

You're correct. Term comes from the Heroes of Might and Magic series. There you also had "an army" at your castles just like here, and a moving thingy with a banner/flag just like here. Did sound adequate.

seems the two unlockable race don't go out to conquer anything

is untrue.

Good to know. 'Cause I left the borderlands there entirely unguarded last time seeing no activity
413 posts

Man of the West:

They are a tank class: slow (in the sense you don't invest into Speed Upgrade) brute force they flat down everything by force.
While I suggested Ballista + Mage for the Northern Orcs and Battling Ram for Human Alliance as siege-weaponry (the rest is always infantry), here I say your troops rely on sheer power, thus leave the siege weapon for later: Ballista + Battling Ram.

A unique troop for the race is a Javelin Thrower, which is not restricted to 1 (

413 posts


A unique troop for the race is a Javelin Thrower, which is not restricted to 1 (

413 posts


A unique troop for the race is a Javelin Thrower, which is not restricted to 1 (like a siege-troop, that's why I consider Mage a Siege Troop), has insane damage, and has the speed of a scout. This makes (finally!) a strategically usable squad, meaning during the second half of the campaign you should use them to eliminate enemy siege-troops (including Mages).

I did not joke that they are a slow race, you should invest way more into damage than into speed (what in the end stood for me on lvl 3), so they'll kill whatever opposition they find. No, I had no problem against elves. Oh, and low prep-time is way more important this way than army size, for me a lvl 7 size was enough. In the endgame I usually won before my first charge-wave reaching them destination.

The special ability looks the same as for the Nothern Orcs (and they have the same racial stat-bonus), but is way more reliable, flattening the whole field at once, so there is no reason to upp it (the orcs' were too random to upp, the Alliance's do worth some upgrade).

The weakness of this group is their starting location: middle of the map, sorrounded. That is a serious problem trying to manage your defending troops. Remember that only heroes can attack lands, and they can only origin from towns, that'll help you manage it.


Jumbled Mode: it is the same as Campaign Mode, but the starting location is random.
I say this'd been better gain before unlocking the extra races.

413 posts

High Elves:

This is what I'd call an Expert Race, for it is not easy to play. I mean it starts with a Speed bonus, and a special what can direct-kill certain amount of the enemy, but initially a very low percentage.
This suggests you should charge the opponent fast, while clearing your way to NOT face any opposition. Well, in concept sounds similar to what the trolls look like for me in a player's hand, but much more fragile.

The tactic I followed was to boost preparation and speed with just a bit of damage to cut through with the possible lightning-upgrade (most of the games I had lvl 3, at the end I could afford the max. lvl 5), and charged the capitals to prevent spawning of heroes and that way pacify the land. Just like a High Elf/Dark Elf would do. The rest was just about clearing the rest.

I suggest as team minimal variant of troops, only those with speed not slugish. Siege Troops depends on personal taste: some can cause damage from far away (ballista + catapult), others have speed (whirler + battling ram) - you decide.
And no rise for troop-amounts! Waste of money.

If it was not evident: during attacks avoid confrontation of troops. Your job is to send all troops through one point like eye of the needle, as fast the enemy has no time to send any troop against you (not true of course for endgame where the AI has tons of units, but that time I wasted my extra money to damage and lightning, so I could kill their initial number, where I could replenish soldiers for the field way faster).
Direct connection to this, I wouldn't even try defending a castle as a player! It is possible on Beginner diff, but barely. Believe me, you don't want to try it on anything harder.


Rebellion Mode: the same as the regular campaign, but against only 1 other race. What's the catch? The enemy rules the entire map, while you start with your old country.

413 posts

I made a quick preview on the needed achievements, and turned out for unlocking all I need only 3 more playthrough, so if sy could play along, I'd appreciate.

Here is a quicky on the remaining races:
- Wood Elves: +1 troop size sounds fun, and Arrow Shower is a definite anti-charge skill. Description says leveling it makes you use it more frequently, so there is potential.
- Orcs of the South: sounds the most terrible race imaginable. +1 speed is bad, and the race-unit isn't attractive either. I have no idea how Earthquake works, probably hits all enemy troop on screen, but it only cause some damage (no instakill), what again sounds bad, even if leveling the skill makes it more frequent.
- Undead: the special unit sounds mediocrate at best, and seems they'll need to upp the special skill, what creates units from nothing in theory. As they create units faster (faster prep time), it isn't impossible.
- Mountain Troll: special skill "effects more and comes more frequent" according to the description. The frozen enemy thaws if you didn't notice. No idea why they need armor as racial bonus. No idea wether they pass frozen people or decimate them.
- Demons: sounds low. Same special unit as for the trolls, but comes later, and the special skill is like for the Northern Orcs, but even if something walks into the fire it is again random if they'll get hurt (sounds like not advised to invest into the skill). The fact they gain Speed as racial don't help their case. Potentially they gain a special cinematics along the victory-screen!
- Marclites: the special unit sounds reasonable, they gain damage, and a boosted "Man of the West" special. Sounds strong. They too has the chance for unique cinematics.

413 posts


I decided to play this as he traditional undead: big mortalityrate, but nontheless unstoppable tide.
For this I evidently needed the special skill, but after the first try, I realised it only creates scouts, so needed something else for start.

The next idea was relying the racial bonus, the +1 prep. Pushing that just to always be ahead of the AI proved insanely useful and determining (during the endgame you can constantly spam out max sized troops). I did not need speed (above lvl 2-3), or size (above lvl 2) to constantly rule the entire battlefield, the only problem remained the enemy killing my troops.
This was solved primaly buffing the attack stat, and secondarily rising (maxing) the special skill.

On the special skill:
initially you can use it to get free slippers, to keep the bar at bay until your troops reach the enemy border, and just a little later to refill your ranks when reaching the other side. At lategame they became strong and large in number enough to be a considerable force.
To help your squads you need some more troop of course. They practically all walk the same slow speed, so that was a reason why I never rose the speed of the units (and the fact that if my troops are always everywhere no matter what, I will kill all/most enemy, so they can never accumlate in any line).

On the Siege Troops department:
You don't need any. They practically add nothing to your strength.

413 posts

Ah, Epic Mode:
it goes siply doubling the size of troops for everyone.


Did I mention all the Special Modes run only under Hard Difficulty?

413 posts

Orcs of the South:


Haha, this time at the beginning the AI moved out totally the other side of me (I think thse AIs start to send out heroes whose territory gets attacked - for Beginner Difficulty), AND captured one of my lands full of defenders. Well, that's life I think.

This race is the ultimate city-sieger. With the Earthquake they can clear the way, during it their troops run in with the incrised speed.
Naturally this means they are not that good on open field, what is the majority of the game.
This is because the upgrades I feel inclined to is size of army, speed, a little damage (to not get stuck initially when the special ability is on low), and you guessed it - the special ability. Now with not-maxed preparation filling the ranks is sluggish, so this won't be my favourite race, as this is staking all on one. If that particular charge won't cut it, you'll barely have any time to retry the attempt.
To make them useful find balance between speed, size, preparation and special ability, and during the mid-end don't forget to push up damage.

As I played this through with minimal units-types (basic units + axeman + samurai + battle ram), was left with plenty of money unspent.

NOTE: if one of your fortresses get attack, you can teleport your hero there - that is mere a tactical decision hopefully, but an important chance for sure (if your race can defend a city of course).


Stylish, the Siege Mode means every field has a Castle on it.

413 posts

Meh the coding, here s the picture:

413 posts

So we reached the Wood Elves.

They start in a good position if you ask me, and their ability is useful. But I just don't get this "and you can cast it more often" part, as neither here, nor for the previous race where this'd apply I felt nothing, even the enemy casted their skill more regularly than me.
The racial stat caused initially a headache, but than I decided to push prep, and with it squad size primaly, with the necessary upgrade on the special to protect my army from harm,as I did not add them damage (what is an interresting idea, but it was a financial decision).
Funny fact is, with this race I went against the demons early!

Troops I again went minimal, only axeman and during the endgame the racial troop (ranger).

Had trouble with the Men of the South for their rocks tended to destroy my charge-waves.


Special Mode: special abilities have half the cooldown.

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