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ForumsGames[necro] Warlord: Epic Conflict

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Ok, so there's no chance for AG-quests, and the game don't do anything to play above Beginner diff, and it is kinda repetitive, but some might just got curious, so how about collecting the different endings, and telling sg 'bout the extra modes?

Here is the Orcs of the North's' ending:

It isn't a very good race lacking in the special ability, but it is very straightforward (get the mage and ballista as siege weapon, don't get the scout troops, and you'll have a strong full army). The +1 damage can give you a push at the most early battles.
The special ability fills the field with swords randomly positioned, so if you ever use it (no idea if it kills allied troops too), cast it after you pushed back the initial wave, troops refilling at you, and the AI sends out a charge.
Worst enemies are the High Elves with their many bows (special ability), and the trolls (the freezing wind is annoying, faster preparation helps a lot against them).
As I was into the "Quantity over quality - in the end they'll run out of bullets" method, the occasional resurrected undeads ment also a small nuisance, but fortunately I took their city early, and their hero got down by the other AIs.

To those new to the series:
- the Campaign mode gives victory when you rule all lands.
- seems the two unlockable race don't go out to conquer anything.
- only heroes can capture lands.
- new heroes of a race can come only from their city. If a race has no city, and their hero falls, it'll mean no more threat to your expansion.
- to win a regular land you have to either fill the attack-bar (likely), or the side will win who pushed the attack-bar further when the time ends. You usually win the battle right when you release the first charge of spearmen.
- to win a castle-siege you must fill the attack-bar under the given time. Sending in troops via a ladder (ladders don't get taken away ever) pushes the bar the most. Damaging the walls (by siege engines and troops reaching the wall, but no ladder) also pushes the bar somewhat.
- defending a castle is about holding back the enemy for the entire five minutes.

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Mountain Trolls:

So we have a "freeze enemy" special and an armor-booster.
What the special does is to temporarily freeze the enemy, and on higher levels push them back, and on even higher levels push your troops ahead. You troops will still have to cut down their ranks though, so it is not a free pass.
You can use the wind to make your troops not suffer damage, so the best time to use it when you send your charge against the enemy charge at the beginning, and to gain more time to fill the size of your troops for the charge a little later.
So what you should concentrate on is size (primaly), prep time (to be able to release a full charge when ready, so don't overdo it), damage (meaning an early lvl 2, just enough to cut through the enemy; don't forget at the beginning either to add one level to speed to reach castle-walls easier) and the special (enough to be able to freeze the entire opposing army).
Endgame waste your money into Armor to get something against Special Abilities. Well, finally we just figured out what the extra defense supposed to be used.
My final setup looked like this: lvl 2 dmg, lvl 2 speed, lvl 8 prep, lvl 10 size, max spec. (all levels are what are written out at the shop). This was when I reached the Demon territories (left latest).

Fun fact: this time I did not missed for later any regions, at every step I conquered another.
Fun fact 2: I fought a 100% difficulty army of demons!

For troops I suggest only the axeman from infantry, and Giant Troll + Battling Ram from Siege Engines for they are strong (woo-hoo!), and the prep-time is short, and are not vulnerable. Oh, don't mind you can't spam zillion of them at the same time, they'll at least do serious damage instead. but this is only the way I tried to play, invent your own strategy if you like!


Unfair Difficulty:
Yes, this is a secret unlockable! Dunno if anyone cares in the current state of the game where by incrised difficulty the AI can spam charges and specials like no tomorrow, but there you have it.

413 posts


You see you don't get any unlockable or written story. Instead you get a special ending-video. I won't tell you what it is, to leave reason people to play the game on themselves. Hey, it's just a handful of playthroughs to unlock this!

Question: after so many playthrough I just have to ask: why you get 250 initial money? It is too few to do anything with it. Why not just make the battles drop more money?

Special Ability: far too random, and i still not see it doing anything. Not that I not maxed it. The trouble weighted further that it seems to be a defensive ability, meaning it tend to spawn more flames on your side of the field.

Upgrades: initially give 'em +1 damage, than do whatever you want. I went balanced, relying the feeling on what I felt lacking. In the end I maxed speed, just to mention something.
The biggest problem was caused by the trolls (especially when it sent out its hero on its own territory, buffing the difficulty for the battle from 32 to 67%).

Units: as the racial unit is practically the same as for the Trolls, I again would go with the setup for trolls. But I just don't like the demons.

NOTE: If you hit "Continue Campaign" after you finished the current campaign, you get to see the ending again.

NOTE 2: If one of your region gets conquered, but it got lost by the militia, then it does not count as defeat. Likely true too for wins (and you don't get money for it either).

NOTE 3: I tried out Bribing this time,and it seems it eliminates the enemy hero the same way as simply defeating it.

413 posts

Sry, wrong link for picture above:

413 posts


Special: similar to the special where the whole screen is filled with rocks, but these rock blow up and cause damage THEN. The explosion has the side effect - aside splash damage - of pushing away troops in the area of the explosion, wether allied or foe, be pushed towards the side away from the middle of the explosion (read this sentence again XD).

The +2 bombs per level might not look much, but at lvl 3, they ARE noticable.

The special ability is VERY helpful in any scenario, but in your place I'd at least consider destroying the trolls early, as lategame they cast the freeze too frequently for my taste, and their racial unit is also too buffy for my taste.
Otherwise the special has the potential to kill all resurrected dead when they appear, and with a little practice can substitute higher levels of Speed.

This is a very capable race for with its special and racial unit it can destroy entire regiments at once. I only had trouble once, where I had faced a lot of siege units which managed to decimate my ranks (happened on open field). The solution was to add Armor to my army. Heck, reaching midgame I was so strong I needed nothing new, so just dumped my money into Armor.

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I cant post a Screen capture here...

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To post screenshots here you need to upload your picture somewhere, and link it by the "image" button.

1 posts

I won with the high elves using a different tactic:
In the beginning of the game I used a lot of archers and halberdiers.Then I unlocked the whirler, leveled the prep time and squad size and literally dizimated everything with my whirlers charges.An I did it on hard

2 posts

Full Javelin Charge from Men of The West can decimate pretty much everything.
And I went for a nice and some what balanced build for Men of The West. 10+1 Damage, 10 Armor, 8-10 speed, 8-10 prep time, 5-8 squad size, put some lvl in special if i still have any money left near end game. with the focus on damage and armor a bit ealier.

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