At what field are you supposed to be able to place amplifiers? I STILL can't seem to place any, not even with the hotkey, on the map. I'm all the way to H4.
1. If I bought magician's pouch, let me skip the ad at the beginning.
2. I don't like the 'ay shadow cores for battle traits' mechanic. However, if the game gets much more generous with shadow cores later on, that's not as bad.
Gemcraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows won't load. Get black screen with Armor Games at top and Game in a Bottle at bottom - red outline of gem is drawn then it disappears and nothing, waited for 5 mins did not load. Checked Flash Player and it is up to date and enabled. Other games on Armor load OK.
Hmm... I have to admit that I am a creepy person. So creepy that I am using linux ubuntu. The last supported version of Adobe flash player for this system is 11.2, however it seem to be too obsolete for GC2... Is there any way to play this game on linux? I've tried with gnash and other AFP substitutes, but with no effect.
Is there any other option to purchase Magician's Pouch rather than using paypal? First, it's new window simply won't load showing an error in a couple minutes; second, I don't even have a paypal account.. I'd like to make a purchase with my visa, is this possible?
From the previous thread. 1 Towers near map edges lose their shots if they go off screen 2 Towers try to attack and kill mobs that are already dead, this makes the bolt upgrade useless. 3 Mage pouch content does not tell you what it does until after you buy it. 4 Pricing on ingame currency is only shown on the confirm payment page. 5 Even after buying the Mage Pouch you still get advertisements ingame to but it. 6 Gems in towers seem to target enemy beacons first regardless of target priority selected.
As previous post = Gemcraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows won't load. Get black screen with Armor Games at top and Game in a Bottle at bottom - red outline of gem is drawn then it disappears and nothing, waited for 5 mins did not load. Checked Flash Player and it is up to date and enabled. Other games on Armor load OK. Tried this on three computers now including one a lap top bought just a month ago - VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!
So this is a Support thread, I'll be answering only support questions. Question about in-game strategies or activities I can't comment on.
If you're having issues with playing the game, please be sure to use Chrome. It's a known issue that it doesn't work correctly on IE Desktop version on WIndows 8 as well as on Linux (Since Linux version of Flash isn't high enough). Using Chrome will solve both of those issues.
Also, disable all add-ons, blockers, and firewalls. If it still fails, please tell me your OS, Browser, and what exactly is failing.
There is no release date for Kongregate, but it will be quite some time. Games will be non-transferable when that day does come, why not just play here?
If you're having issues with payment, please help us here: