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So I got my high school schedule for next year and it'll be my first time attending high school. So I just have one question, does anyone have tips for "surviving" high school?

  • 23 Replies
3,087 posts

Don't procrastinate.
Don't worry about what people think about you.

and most importantly, DON"T PROCRASTINATE.

~~~Darth Caedus

6,257 posts

You seem to be in quite a dilemma. Perhaps you need...

4,484 posts

First off, don't expect anyone to talk to you ever. I went in with a mindset that everyone would be friendly, and that if I initiated a conversation with someone, they too would say something. Well, needless to say I was indeed disappointed. Everyone talks to everyone else, but nobody goes out of their way to talk to you. I know from firsthand experience that this is definitely what happens to everyone in high school.

If you think a girl has a crush on you, she's probably just being friendly. That turned out to be the case with 100% of the girls whom I thought may have potentially liked me a little bit, and is always the case with everyone. High school girls only go for guys who drink, smoke cigarettes, wear black leather jackets, and ride motorcycles. Society hates that kind of behavior. High school girls love it.

Additionally, don't eat lunch at school. Cafeteria food is just hair from a can, and even food brought from home is always terrible. The best thing you can do is wait until dinnertime to eat anything. Even breakfast could make you sluggish. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months near the end of my junior year from eating just one meal a day at dinnertime, and I was already incredibly thin before that. The weight loss had nothing to do with the clinical depression high school caused me.

Lastly, don't use the bathrooms at school. Even in this day and age, with all the technology they have in the world, they can't make a high school bathroom smell nice or not look horrifying. You're better off peeing in a janitor's closet or in the wastebasket in the corner of the room. Nobody will bat an eye if you do that. People don't notice anything you do in high school. Everyone is already invisible to everyone else.

I'm so glad I graduated last year, before the federal government administered the mandatory "row 50 miles upstream by yourself to graduate" exam.

9,507 posts

I'm so glad I graduated last year, before the federal government administered the mandatory "row 50 miles upstream by yourself to graduate" exam.

Is that where they're trying to beef up homework and exam difficulty to try and "compete with other nations" or is that just Indiana?

If you do anything embarrassing, expect the student body to never let you hear the end of it and judge you for it for months.
14,988 posts
Grand Duke

Just study. C'mon, show your books and desk some love.

9,808 posts

A few big things that got me through

1) Learn to cheat. The American education system is horrible, so teach yourself useful stuff in your spare time, and cheat your way to glory.

2) Learn the 'alming' technique used by magicians and shoplifters. Goes a long way in your cheating career.

3) If you have the option, pick a seat ideal for your cheating career. Your thought process for picking a seat shouldn't be "who looks most friendly" or some bs like that, but "what seat gives me optimal cheating capabilities". Preference towards the back, down the line of where your teacher sits, so you can hide movements behind students in front of you.

4) If you don't have set seats, study the teachers movement habits, and on test days pick ideal spots based on his movements (what seat is seen least by him/her when walking around, if they do so during tests)

8,232 posts

I'm just going to quote other people and offer my opinion on what they said because it's 11:50 and I'm too brain-dead for this.

Don't procrastinate

First off, don't expect anyone to talk to you ever.

It depends on how friendly you are. On the first few days, it's fairly easy to strike up a conversation with the person next to you if you don't know them. I go to a fairly huge school with about 3,000 students, so not recognizing people was the norm for the first few forever.
High school girls only go for guys who drink, smoke cigarettes, wear black leather jackets, and ride motorcycles. Society hates that kind of behavior. High school girls love it.

I don't. A lot of the people I know don't. You gotta not generalize, Terry...
Additionally, don't eat lunch at school. Cafeteria food is just hair from a can, and even food brought from home is always terrible.

Depends on what kind of home food. But yeah, Cafeteria food is pretty nasty. Except the fries...and if your highschool has vending machines, buy things from there. It's usually ridiculously cheap. I mean, they sell grass-flavored cookies for 35 cents. And if you're good, they let you off campus for lunch at Cook Out or KFC or one of the weird chain restaurants near my school.
Lastly, don't use the bathooms at school.

Pee outside in the bushes if you have to. Actually don't. But school bathrooms are still pretty bad. I mean, even today I was forced to use one and there was suspicious liquid all over the floor. However, there's always one or two good bathrooms that are safe, if you're lucky...
If you do anything embarrassing, expect the student body to never let you hear the end of it and judge you for it for months.

It once again depends on how big the student body is. I do lots of stupid things in school, and I've only been ridiculed a few times before everyone forgot about it. Maybe it's because I'm not exactly at the top of the popularity thing. Speaking of popularity, at my school that doesn't seem to be a big thing either. Make a few friends, and then from then on everyone orbits in their own circles. (Or maybe because, once again, I'm at a big school, and people don't have time to bully each other, or so I've seen).

Make sure you don't offend the people who are gay/lesbian/trans/whatever the heck they want. They seem to get offended easily. I personally have nothing against them, but make absolutely sure you know someone's gender before talking to them. Maybe this isn't a big thing in other places. Who knows.

Oh, and
3,087 posts

@storm, your school sounds like it really sucks, it actually isn't that bad here.

~~~Darth Caedus

407 posts

Man high school is chill. I am not going to tell you to do drugs but I am also not going to tell you not to.. lol. but you probably shouldnt. you might walk into the wrong classroom and sit down for 15 minutes before realizing its a different class. I will not say that it happened to me but I will also not say that it didnt..

9,808 posts

all I can do is shake my head. Don't give him bad advice. *frowns ridiculously*

heh "bad advice"
4,170 posts

But seriously, cheating is not a bad option, especially if it's well justified. Your teachers are only human and you are going to get some that seem to live only to kill GPAs. In fact, I've seen a few former teachers of mine be fired out of grpss incompetence.

Going along with that, ensure that you are actually learning something. Grades are important only for extrinsic values (aka the values that get you the $$$ later on). If you're there only for grades, you're doing something wrong. Make your learning fueled by intrinsic motivation. Make school serve YOU.

Finally, if you don't get along with school, get the hell out of there. Give it a shot first, of course, and don't quit out of laziness. But if something doesn't click, why push yourself into a life you'll hate?

30 posts

my ten rules of school

1. food is **** take your own food if you can afford it.
fist two years i couldn't complain until they decided to dictate what you eat.

2. jump drive with ultrasurf. look it up

3. don't believe the crap they say about Wikipedia just stay away from disputed articles and religion.

4. everything on this thread is just about true. especially the bathroom part
along with don't procrastinate.

5. political correctivenes evil don't fall for it.

6. they tend to leave out details with history and also if you can figure out math your own way you are they to dictate how you do it.

7. you may learn more when you get out of that prison trust me.

8. buses suck.

9. keep calm on walk on. universal for if something negative happens

10. who am i to care about you. who are who to care about me basically a rule of the world.

i don't no how it is today but used to work for me.

3,390 posts

High school girls only go for guys who drink, smoke cigarettes, wear black leather jackets, and ride motorcycles. Society hates that kind of behavior. High school girls love it.

This isn't Grease, man. Chill out.

My guidelines for high school?

1) Don't go into school seeking a relationship. Please. I'm not saying don't date, I'm saying don't go to school specifically to find a significant other. Sure, dip your toes in the water if you feel up for it, but don't start out your fresh slate as the usual bunch of freshman who wanna hook up with the chick from homeroom because of raging hormones. You already know the whole "your body is changing" talk, but don't let yourself be ruled by your downstairs. If you think you're in love with someone, check up on the differences between love and infatuation and limerence and etc.

2) Don't piss off the teachers. Keep your face down till you can get a feel for which teachers are the best connections to have. The teachers who seem friendly and are sponsors for clubs on campus, get to know them because they'll be great when it comes around to your senior year.

3) Get involved. Seriously. Find a club or some organization that you think you'll like, and stick with it. Try some sports or band (ayee) or yearbook or whatever. Just find a club that isn't full of losers and get immersed in it. Key Club is a great start. So is Model UN if your school has one. If not, START ONE. The info is out there on the internet, and it's a great way to get attention from the right people. Get started in clubs your freshman year and run with them because if you are applying to colleges and they see you've been dedicated since your freshman year, that looks really really good.

4) Cliques are real, and so is the social ladder. It sounds extremely shallow and stupid, but if you really want to change your scene, now is the time to do it. We can all see who the dipsticks are and who the pretty people are. I'm not saying drop your friends and run for the nearest party, but make sure the people you're with are the people you want to stay with. You can be a floater, and try to get along with many different cliques and stuff, but it's a tiresome life to lead.

5) The cafeteria food is fine. I honestly don't understand why everyone hate on cafeteria food. If you eat fastfood, you can handle this stuff.

6) The restrooms are fine too. If you walk in with the mindset of "this is revolting" well guess what you aren't going to like it. You're there to do your business, wash your hands, and get out.

7) While the social side of school will basically rule your life for the next four years, make sure you don't **** up your grades. Yeah there is a lot of bull**** homework and things you'll have to put up with, but you are not a special snowflake who can get away with not doing it. Do NOT hold yourself higher than anyone else by thinking you're better because you're smarter. You need to put forth some effort. Yeah, you're not gonna get killed if you make a C or a B, but if there are kids making A's, then you should be able to make A's as well. It isn't difficult, you just have to play the game that is highschool. Now if you really can't grasp the concepts being taught, get tutoring or ask your teacher for help. They eat that **** up when you show you are really trying. And they'll probably be more lenient with you, too. You may find some teachers who really just dont give a flying ****, but just try your best and remember it'll be over soon enough and you'll never have to deal with them again.

8) Discover yourself. This sounds super cheesy, but really. If you sit down and think more about life in general and the various impacts each decision you make will have on your future and you as a person, then you'll be great. This is the time where those who are more mature are gonna go farther, and those who still laugh when someone says penis are gonna be those left behind. It's never too early to think about future plans like college or a career. But make sure you don't put those plans into concrete, because things will change. If you find yourself really bummed out because high school is just dragging its feet, look to the future. Plan what you want to do, and you'll find yourself distracted because you'll have something to look forward to. It's a lot easier to walk into Chem 1 and stay positive when you think of how this grade will bump up your GPA to the minimum requirement for your dream school. Maybe by the time the year is over, you'll have a different plan and all, but that's totally fine.

9) If you have any questions, I'm here for you. I understand that high school is a really big step and you might need help along the way. If you need me, leave a comment or ask for my number in FGA or something.
437 posts

get 1900 SAT take 2 or 3 ap class if ur URM u go to harvard boy gl hf

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

1900 out of 2400 is kinda low.

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