So as I was in the shower, I was thinking about thinking. Then I started thinking about thinking places and how people think in these thinking places. So what is your thinking place? Or what event causes you to think?
Obviously if you couldn't tell, I think in the shower
My best thinking is done right before I go to sleep. Daytime usually means boredom, combined with my mind not fully being awake for hours, which in turn leads to mindless activities such as Netflix, PC games, or in certain cases, this forum. Due to possible insomnia, it often takes me some time to fall asleep, so usually my only real thinking time is done in bed right before sleepy time.
Then there are the texts I send in the middle of the night, when I wake up just long enough to send a text message. How absurd they all are. And I think they're so funny at the time.
I think best in the shower, or in my bed just before I hit the sack. I don't think very well in tensed, rushed, hectic situations like work. Which is a cheap lazy way of explaining the steadily declining quality of my posts these days.
I think everywhere but my favorite place would be in my media room, late in the evening. I'm also at my best creativity wise a couple hours before bed.
Whenever I'm alone. And by alone, I mean even in the middle of the school hallway surrounded by people. Nobody talks to me then, so I think about things. What kind of things, you ask? Recently it's been about glass spiders with binoculars, which doesn't actually mean glass spiders with binoculars. What does it mean? That's one of my closest secrets. So, no.