I was thinking of the classic zombie, where they have muscle atrophy and epidermal rot, eliminating any sort of protection against the weather.
There are two types at least in that category. You have the Romero zombies with the ability to be killed by a shot to the head, shamble around and are rather unintelligent. Those would likely not do to well against what you suggest. Another type however are the brain eating zombies from Return of the Living Dead. Those you can chop into pieces and the pieces will come after you. They also appear to possess some level of intelligence on par to how they were when they were alive and have shown to be able to work together and set traps. This is however hampered by the crazed behavior and extreme pain they are in from being dead.
Seeing this is in the WEPR realistically these zombies are unlike to ever exist. There are whoever things that exist that could (if it ever migrated to affecting humans) induce a zombie like state on a mass population. Examples would be certain parasites or fungal infections that affect the brain. Of course these wouldn't actually be zombies in the definition of a reanimated corpse.
As for the training plan it's not a bad idea. There are real world catastrophes that could happen that could impact nationally or even globally. Having training to deal with an "apocalyptic /post apocalyptic" scenario is a good thing to have. Planning for a zombie apocalypse can make one ready to handle many other real world dangers such as dealing with large storms, earthquakes, etc.
now i don't know if my friend was kidding or not but she told me that in a science lab the government is working on using zombies for wars.....if they are they really shouldn't mess with that kind of power.
so far they have the zombies eyes moving and their hands moving too. sometimes I wonder if my friend is messing with me, but it was in the news a year ago, and my dad saw it too.
I don't think they are preparing for anything, militaries just need different scenarios for the troops and apparently someone was bored. The Switzerland military once offended some French because one of their scenario consisted of France splitting up due to civil war and one of the resulting regions wanting money from Switzerland. I don't see that happen anytime, but they still used such a scenario. And who knows what other scenarios were imagined...
so far they have the zombies eyes moving and their hands moving too. sometimes I wonder if my friend is messing with me, but it was in the news a year ago, and my dad saw it too.
This furiously sounds like a hoax. Or the media does what the media does and misinformed through sensationalist headlines. What do they call 'zombies' anyway? You got a link?
Supposedly Zombies were the corpses that raised from death after all these years they changed them a lot.Old zombies lasted a year to get you now zombies run behind you like if they were Usain Bolt
According to the plan itself (the cnn article I linked has a link to a pdf of the plan), it was designed primarily to deal with apocalyptic planning, and they chose zombies because they didn't want people thinking that it was actually happening.