is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant, a form of apophenia. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse.
In other words, pareidolia can be when someone sees a face in an inanimate object or in an image that is not of a face.
A great example of is the quest pareidolia, because every time I see the Gemcraft Chasing Shadows quest High Stakes. I keep seeing a face every time I look at the quest. Have a look for yourself:
I'm pretty sure it suppose to be a form of banner, but instead it just looks like a bearded, monobrow face looking disinterested. Has anyone else seen an example of pareidolia here on Armorgames?
This is quite familiar for me actually! I never knew they had a 'term' for this, but yes... I too have this odd behaviour of seeing faces in places there is no face! =)
A good example of a returning face for me is when I see the Armatar below:
It is supposed to be a dragon (and after refocusing, I see it as a dragon), but I keep seeing a face at first sight every time! Creepy... =0