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A Brief Guide to AG

In this post, we'll go over the basics, and the not-so-basics about AG.
By the way, this is my first post, so I hope you enjoy

AG accounts

"Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word."
-Goran Persson

AG accounts have various perks. For the gamers, you can play MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) games, with all your friends and beyond. Another good reason to get an account is that you can favorite and rate games. You can also comment, to help the devoloper, such as pointing out bugs. You can also make forum posts and have friends. Also, many games have an 'Online Save' feature. You can acquire this if you have an account. Like me!


"Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .""
- C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Friends are a fundamental part of Armor Games. If you're familiar with social media, it is essentially following someone. You can see what they were doing last, who their friends are, and what their favorite games are. Also, many games have a 'Add Friend' feature.


"Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable."
-Loretta Young

Merits are basically rewards that Moderators and/or Administrators can give you. They're awesome! (Opinion.) As @Binary_Illusion says:

What is wanted in a Merit?

.::this us solely based upon common sense, and my experiences::.

Basically most moderators want four main things.
They want what you liked, and what you disliked about the game, and why. Because it is important to know what people liked, and disliked(for the game developer). Another thing to include would be Who you would suggest that particular game to(i.e. RPG, Fantasy,
action gamers). I like to include a warning there too. Like if the game has excessive swearing, or blood I warn gamers. the last thing to include would be your overall rating of the game, and why you rate it that way.(don't forget to actually rate the game )

Those are the main things to include. There are a whole lot of other things that you could include(no particular order):

game improvements/suggestions
storyline(if any)/concept
game play
recommend to players
overall rating/why
some Tips


That should cover that. Thanks, Binary!


You want me to explain knights? I'll need @Ferret's help...

'Knighthood': What is a 'Knight'? And what does 'Knighthood' mean?

'Knighthood' and the title 'Knight' is bestowed upon a user that has shown exemplary deeds and outstanding behavior as a member of the Armor Games Community. This exclusive title is only granted to those users that have earned a special place among the citizens of the Kingdom.

How do you get to be a knight?* Well, pretty much the same way you get merits, but also being kind and respectful to others, and helping a lot!

What perks do you get? Well, you get access to the Knight-Only Forum, you get purple text for forum posts, more armatars with a nice badge, get free mobile games, and something called 'Knight Gliding'. I'm not sure what that is...

*Does anyone know if Knights are still being recruited? I've always wanted to be one.

EDIT: I think they are.


Oh no! It's not working! Well, you might find your answer here.

Why aren't any games working for me?

On chrome, check if you have any plugins, like Disconnect. Whitelist the site, then your games should work. Other reasons may be because you don't have an up-to-date Flash or Java. On Firefox.... it shouldn't happen.

What the heck!? The AG website is all weird!

Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, come back some other time, and repeat.


Refresh the page.


Thanks for reading, hope it helped!


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If you want more information on how to find a friend, [Click Me].

120 posts

*Does anyone know if Knights are still being recruited? I've always wanted to be one.

ferret said on page 5 of the knight thread that there is no cap.
1,361 posts

This guide definitely shows that you know your way around the site! I will be the first to point out that a similar, more in-depth guide already exists, but it is from January 2013, so there are some things that have been left out of that one as well.

Here are a few key things you might want to include if you plan on revising your guide...

- Quests can be earned through completing certain actions in selected games as well as doing certain things in the community and in other parts of the site. This is one of the greatest perks of having an account because with enough quests, you can land yourself on the Hero Board!

- Merits are not just awarded for game comments, but also for winning certain contests. Whether it be a poetry contest, an armatar contest, a castle building contest, or most recently, an art skills competition, you can earn a merit for each round you win!

- For the Troubleshooting section, you may want to include something about an issue being browser-specific. If I experience a problem, my method is to try it out on more than one browser to ensure that the root of the problem lies within the site and not just within one specific browser's reaction to a site feature.

To answer your question about whether knights are still being added, it isn't something that happens very frequently, but if you look through the official knight thread, you will see that it does still happen, even if it isn't very often. The most recent knight was knighted in late April, and the one before him late March, and the one before him early February, so there doesn't appear to be any hard evidence pointing towards the idea that they will no longer add people as knights! Being knighted is not a recruitment but rather a reward... they aren't looking for new knights because they need them, they are simply rewarding people for being outstanding citizens of the community! If they haven't knighted anybody since April, it only means that they haven't found anyone since then who they believe is worthy of the title at this time, but you'll see as time goes on that more people will be join the exclusive knight club!

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