But DC has much better protagonists than Marvel will ever have, eg. Swamp Thing. Not to mention such smaller faces like Arm-Fall-Off-Boy. Where else would you get such thing if not DC?
I'm gonna just make a short list here, don't mind me.
5. Black Panther
First time I saw Black Panther was in an old Fantastic Four comic, and then again in the tv show. Little me thought he was awesome, simply because he beat the FF alone. Ever since then, he has been one of my favorite
4. Ghost Rider
I've always thought Ghost Rider was awesome ever since I was a kid, starting with this clip I saw in an old episode of FF. I also played a lot of him in Ultimate Alliance, despite not knowing much of the character at the time. Since then I got more into the character, and he became even better. He still is awesome... you know, when he isn't played by Nick Cage.
3. Deadpool
He is hilarious, that is all there is to it. Everything he says is great.
2. Venom
My favorite villain of all time has always been Venom for as long as I can remember. I also like that he slowly went from villain to anti-hero to hero, made him easier to route for, but the original is still the best.
1. Spiderman
He is the first super-hero that I encountered. I remember loving the old animated tv shows, comics, and some of the movies. Spiderman is a hilarious character too, and he kinda started the entire "___ with a mouth" thing before Deadpool anyways.