ForumsQuestsThe King of Towers Quests

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9,323 posts

New Quests for The King of Towers are now available! Discuss them below.
Unlock all Magic Skills.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat 5 different players in the Battle Pit.
Hardness: Easy
Defeat a level on Hard without heroes.
Hardness: Easy
Into the Depths
Challenge Blitz Acres.
Hardness: Medium
Imprison an enemy player.
Hardness: Medium
Combine equipment shards into equipment.
Hardness: Hard
Earn 300 stars from levels.
Hardness: Hard

  • 424 Replies
14,989 posts
Grand Duke

@llama132 Should be about sufficient, since you already have the .50 cals. Might want to get the Bombardier as well sometime later, as the Tracker Shot can deal with mobs better than Dragoneer at times.

1 posts

you're gonna need witch tower with tornado and ice elemental to pass the swamp. dragoneer is no good in the swamp, enemies are immune to it. You should buy the exploding shot on your assassin tower as well.

78 posts

@shmegma I got witch tower and tornado since the last time I posted. Beat the whole desert on normal, can't reach swamp because I'm still at level 32, stuck at Vulcanland Heroic (the one that only lets you use mages) because my computer isn't powerful enough. There's a LOT of lag and the enemies spawn in clumps that are ridiculously hard to beat with just mages.

Any idea on how to get past that? I've been going based on the only strategy I can find on youtube, and that guy manages to beat the stage fairly comfortably with lvl 20 mages, while I'm getting completely overwhelmed with my lvl 27 mages.

14,989 posts
Grand Duke

@llama132 I'm pretty sure that that's not the Heroic Mode on AG (See Youtubers comments).

Could get the golems, as they provide good chokepoints. If you can't upgrade the towers anymore, focus on heroes as well as the spells.

78 posts

@nichodemus Oh are the levels different on different platforms? I had assumed that the increase in difficulty I faced was purely due to lag, based on some comment I read on the youtube fauna forge walkthrough. But I guess either way my only option is to keep leveling up mage towers.

I've been upgrading solely mage towers for weeks now, but I can still get a few more levels in. Same for the lightning and blizzard spells. I haven't touched the reinforcements spell since level 16, do you think I should add more to that?

Also by golems do you mean the ice elementals for the witch towers? I can get that in a week's time or so. If I need another tower + speciality for that then it'd take about 3 weeks more, but considering I've been waiting 3 months already it's not that big a deal.

14,989 posts
Grand Duke

@llama132 Well, I came to that conclusion from the comments, but I'm really not sure seeing that I've not played on other platforms.

I'm not too sure about reinforcements. They're useful to me now as a third tier spell, but I doubt two guards will make a difference with such a huge mob? You could try pairing them with the elementals (Not golems, my bad), to create chokepoints for the tornadoes.

I remember only using the witch tower, so I don't think there's a need to get more than one tower. You should also make strategic use of your heroes to soften waves up as well.

1 posts

i have been stuck at lava plans vulcanland heroic mode as i had cleared desert stage in easy mode please help me

14,989 posts
Grand Duke


Follow what llama is doing, get the witch tower with tornado, level the mage towers up, upgrade spells and heroes.

@llama132 Did buying multiple small towers work out better for you? Or just a few upgraded ones? I played it again and realised that upgrading tornado + elemental is slightly over the top (Plus getting to the witch tower in the first place). Too much gold. I'm almost sure I didn't do it that way when I passed it!

4 posts

I got 300 Stars but still no Heavenly-Quest.
Here is the proof:

Any Suggestions?

4 posts

Edit: ok, now i got the quest.

78 posts

@nichodemus I've been trying to do it with multiple small towers, as per that strategy on youtube. The amount of gold you get at the start is enough for just 1 witch tower + tornado, and witches have zero crowd control so I got totally destroyed when I tried that strategy.

I think you're definitely right that the levels in the AG version are much, much harder. The guy who made that youtube video beats the level comfortably with level 20 mage towers. My mage towers are level 33, my magics are at higher levels than his, my heroes are at higher levels (and I have the mage hero too), and I barely manage to survive 3 minutes.

I really have no clue how I'm supposed to get past this stage. I thought Fauna Forge Heroic was bad, but ended up being pretty manageable by getting Flycutter Assassins and leveling up archers. However this seems like a complete dead end to me. Any ideas?

14,989 posts
Grand Duke


The way I see it, there are two possible ways out.

1) Keep collecting and grinding and upgrading. Take it as a good build up for the later stages. This goes the same for your spells and characters. (If you're done with Towers, use your DC on your characters or spells!)

2) Participate in the events and keep collecting bombs/freeze wands/caches. These will definitely go a long way in helping you.

Don't forget you can make strategic use of your heroes instead of clumping them at the back!

78 posts


Thanks a lot for the help man. I finally managed to beat the stage with level 35 mages. Only 2 stars, but I'd have been more than happy to get one.

Hopefully I can get the rest of the 50-odd stars I need soon...this game has been taking a looong time haha.

78 posts

Finally, I got to 300 stars. This took quite some effort since the difficulty level has been considerably raised on some of the levels as compared to 2014 when the quests first came out.

If anyone is still trying for 300 stars from this game, this is what I can suggest from my experience:

Regarding upgrades - I would suggest first getting the dragooner (2 dark soul crystals), then the assassin tower + flycutter upgrade (7 crystals total), then the blizzard magic upgrade (2 crystals) then the witch tower + tornado upgrade (7 crystals total).

Dragooner is an awesome all-round tower with great DPS and AOE to boot.

Assassin + flycutter has good DPS and can deal with swarms of mobs. It is pretty much necessary to beat Stage 3-2 (Fauna Forge) Heroic, and comes in very handy against flying enemies later on in stages 2 and 3.

Blizzard is a great magic due to its AOE and good damage. The other 2 magic upgrades aren't all that useful if you're only interested in getting the quest, as the militia are basically just used to delay mobs for a few seconds, while the lightning spell only hits 1 target.

Witch + tornado comes in handy in some of the lava and desert stages to deal with armored enemies. It doesn't come into play nearly as much as dragooner or even assassin, but it's incredibly useful against Stage 3-6 (Vulcanland) Heroic.

Regarding fortifying - For the first 2 stages, you could really just upgrade all the towers equally, as the levels aren't very hard. Fauna Forge Heroic is probably going to be the first major obstacle you face. I beat it with arrows at level 29 and assassin + flycutter towers, though in retrospect I guess I could have done it with lower level towers.

Up to this point, I had barely used mage towers at all so I doubt the need would arise for you, until you hit the second major obstacle, Vulcanland Heroic. This level forces you to use only mages, and is just absurdly hard, so once you're done with Fauna Forge heroic I would say just focus on mages alone (maybe raise cannons a bit if you're stuck prior to Vulcanland). I needed mages at level 35 and witch + tornado towers to beat Vulcanland, and even then it was a struggle.

Once you cross that, just keep raising cannon level and the rest of the 300 stars should be a breeze.

For magics, I suppose hail/blizzard should be the primary focus, then lightning, and then militia.

Also at the start of this thread a lot of people are promoting the sniper tower + .50cal upgrade. I would strongly recommend that you avoid that altogether. I had it, and it helped me during the first 2 stages (which were easy anyway), and then I didn't use it at all for stage 3 and 4. Dragooner and assassin + flycutter are far superior to it for the first 4 stages.

1,417 posts

Ahh , the mage-tower-only level, hehe , it's quite challenging , I do remember it. I was knocking my head of on this one, but actually it's more easy than you can even possibly imagine. I am definitely sure that it has scary effect on player within initial wave, and as you move on, waves become harder and harder. Final wave is just overwhelming, if you dont figure out what needs to be done before it.

To beat it at low level you will be needing one bomb (will clear all enemies on screen), of course if you have more it will be more easy, but you don't need more than one. Next, you will have to figure out where to place towers (more is not always the better), and the last and most important is when and where to use magics.
Since you don't have any soldiers to slow down enemies, your heroes will be the main tank support. Concentrate all heroes at crossroad near end, move them as needed in small range. They should be placed where you defences (your mage towers) are upgraded , for maximal effect. If you by any chance have -Instant hero revival- , it can help, but it's not crucial.

Experiment a bit with towers upgrades , try different time schedule for magics, work everything out, (bomb should be used before final wave), resell towers during final wave and good luck! (3 stars is yours) :P

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