Welcome to How Gantic Are You? the quiz thread game show that measures your Gantessence. This is a highly accurate patented process. Get ready to prove your Ganticness with Gantickery and Ganticisms. Are you a Ganticable Gantoid? or a Ganticious Gantian? Find out now!
Sign-ups are open until 10-20 spots are filled or 1 week passes, whichever happens first. Please do not drop out in the middle of it. While signing up, please wager the amount of Gantic Points that you are the most Gantic of all Gantestants.
Gantestants will be scored with Gantic Points up to the final round.
Gantestants with low Gantic Points at the end of the round may be eliminated.
Gantestants may complete secret challenges to win bonus Gantic Points.
So what are the elements of humor? Well, uh, I don't actually know, but here is how you fared:
Count to 100: All tricks. No treats.
Count to 100: This Game is Not for Those with High Blood Pressure
Count to 100: No Items on Final Destination.
Count to 100: ABC as easy as 1,2..back to 1.
Count to 100: just for an single quest
Count to 100: Turn Around and Back Away Slowly
Count to 100: Just Go
ROUND 5 ROUND 5 is a mishmash weird ultra Gantic round with six questions. The questions are open ended, so there is no single correct answer, but there are many wrong answers.
1. Odelwodel mechtendudel? 2. Isa isoran enta ota el? 3. Vrangbur ng endabu ko thlen en lang do. Ho thlapu ng vrang en vra do? 4. Bi si la so de do ta ro a ra, pa ha ya yi de lo te, ra, ha, u sha. ko mo de da do sa so lo cha o wo? 5. Chomchumchaggery a Abbledabblewaggery ponglewongleogulate e'o jibbledyfribbledydib u'a emblemtemblembob sodagodala a pogodogobo. Webblepebbledonkery e ibrishnebrusho gomparompatu? 6. Ah?
20 Gantic Points will be awarded for each correct answer. 20 Bonus Points will be awarded for answering all questions correctly. No credit awarded for meta-answers.
A maximum of 140 Gantic Points can be earned this round. The Gantestant who scores the least Gantic Points may be eliminated.
You have one week to submit your responses. You may not change your responses after you have submitted them.
Just you. You take issue with the types of questions that don't make sense at face value. This is "How Gantic Are You?" so something of this nature is sure to crop up and you've voiced your displeasure no less than four times.
1. Ochre deal emestirdle shrike ole eke noepeoneeesee.
2. Ehe he be je je kanee I.
3.hehe she he end eje per.
4. Ab a ca da la me an nag I par a.
5. Chimichangaery elementary olpeplery.
6. Ok.