You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
Lolursofunnynhopeless = 9
I'm scared, so many 20s going around...FORSPARTA = 11
ChillYourselfDown = 17The problem involving massive amounts of 20's has been resolved.
Lolol = 42
Wow Riku was cheating?
[roll 1d20 notsurprised]
shoot i put a space -.-
TransformTheTreeOnA20 = 3
Cheat = 17How does one cheat in a game of dice? Seeing as you can't modify the results.
look to the previous pages.1d20=10
ISeeWhatYouDidThere = 7Kind of sneaky but that is just cruel.
Ordoyou = 11
Blam = 4
OnemoreTry = 1
NotBuyingThatAtAll = 20
@Frank_Frooton BLAM, he gotcha.Revenge = 4
NoWhammyorFerrret = 20 Pressing my luck! Edit. @Ferret *Makes fingers like a gun* Blam! *Pretends to shoot*
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