You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
Again = 7 Again!
ShootToChange = 7Bang!
I shall not lose my valuable 24kt gold armatar!1d20=12
Today isn't your lucky day. [roll 1d20 Bye foe.]
Again! [roll 1d20 Again!]
Dang It you! [roll 1d20 Dang It You!]
@Lowco1 You can't put characters that aren't letters or spaces in your roll thingy or it won't work.NoSpacesOnlyLetters = 7
Oh! Igotthatknow = 8
Good job, now say goodbye to that shark.SharkSoupIsGood = 15
It is time. Byebye = 19
[roll 1d20 #TheSharkIsBad2014]
That was close @LowcoDie raven thingy!Stupidbird = 19
Ha! Lettersonlynolettersandh = 8 H means #.
HashtagAtTheEndOfStuffIs = 8 Weird
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