You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
HeSeemsFamiliar = 12But I don't know what he was known for in the past.
@Patrick2011 trying to look for one that fits me, sorry I like change, so it wouldnt bother me at all if I got hit with a 20, guess thats why I'm here
MakeMeChangeMyArmatar = 4
BadLuck = 18It's not gonna happen.
OnceAgain = 16
IWantMyOldArmatar = 15
Hereyougo = 2
AllLies = 11
OnlyTruth = 11
LieToMe = 3
[roll 1d20 Alva vasta baby] BAd stuff.
Fix = 2 I hope it works.
[roll 1d20 Armatar bye.] Bye bye.
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