You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
TheForceDidntEvenTellYou = 1That I was a man!
1d20=20That's just because Yoda thought you were a woman.
TheForceWasWeakWithYoda = 12
ButstillStronWithMe = 12
FairwellArmatarGambling = 10
ByeManly = 13
DropTheBass = 14
Shazam = 10
ForTheKrill = 1
Someonepleasehitme20 = 6
NOPE = 12
DroppinWolvesLikeFlies = 14
NiceArmatar = 4
1d20=7Click the dice button above the text field, then in dice type select 20. If you can'y find the dice button, refresh. If you still can't see the button, go back to page 66 and try.
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