Welcome to The Numbers Station. We're not entirely what it's here for, but we assume that there is some meaning to these numbers. We're just not sure what they're trying to tell us, but we suspect it has something to do with the Forumnauts and the Nefarious Porpoises. Please discover what plots lurk in the darkness.
1. Every number is meaningful, so there are no filler numbers.
2. This is not easy to figure out, so don't lose sleep over this.
3. When it has come to pass, the message will be revealed.
4. Transmissions are sporadic.
5. Please do not send numbers through the numbers station unless you know the proper procedure.
6. Should it be discovered how this number station encodes its numbers, the numbers station will cease operation.
()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!
Numbers Stations. They creep me out. I actually had a nightmare in which seemingly an hour went by where I kept hearing static, blips, and occasional feed of numbers and acronyms read by a human. But that's irrelevant to this thread, just a nice caveat that might thrill users with Numbers Station-related atmosphere.
In the first transmission there are (by my count) exactly 5 numbers per letter. I tried the second one and got 5.03 numbers per letter so I might have counted wrong there, or else none of this means anything.
I turned the third transmission into letters, assuming 0's are ?. It's still gibberish, though somebody might find a cipher in it somehow. Or I wasted my time.
H ? A B D M A A F B P A D R J N A B D E C A D A A D A B F B F P A A G Q ? A G B F A D D A G A A B E L A B A A A ? A A A K ? A G C A A E J B P A C A C G B G C C H A A A C E L B B B Q A C E C N A A A A F A B F C B A A Q B Q A H M G N ? A A L G A D E C ? E E A A F A H M C N A D N B J A B B C B A F M E J A C E I A B A J G A A A A A K A A D B B A G J B L D C E D D A A E A