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ForumsQuestsRogue Soul 2 Quests

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9,323 posts

New Quests for Rogue Soul 2. Stab them all!
Tackling Pro
Kill 15 enemies while sliding.
Hardness: Easy
Harlequin Style
Use the Harlequin costume and parachute, Cane and Apple.
Hardness: Easy
Complete level 1 without killing any enemy.
Hardness: Easy
Complete 5 levels at 100%.
Hardness: Medium
Bird Hater
Make all birds fly away in level 5 (don't miss one).
Hardness: Medium
Ranged Rampage
Kill 6 enemies using projectiles with Infinite Projectile activated.
Hardness: Medium
Quick Death
Kill Black Captain (on level 4) in less than 20 seconds.
Hardness: Medium
Sword Master
Perform a combo x50.
Hardness: Hard
Epic Hunt
Get 15,000 points or more in the Infinite Hunter challenge.
Hardness: Hard
Final Rush
Complete level 10 with fast mode ON.
Hardness: Hard

  • 57 Replies
110 posts

got them all in about 30 minutes they all work well, but i expected them to be harder. And now to the walktrough: for Tackling Pro just slide under the weak enemies no big problem. For Harlequin Style you need to unlock few stars and equip second skin, fifth weapon (fishing rod), second throwing weapon (apple) and second parachute and finish one stage. For Pacifist avoid hitting enemies in first zone. For Perfectionist you must complete all 3 challenges, rescue 3 civilians and don´t get hit in 5 different levels. just practice and you will make it. for Bird Hater move around all the birds in fifth stage and make them fly away. For Ranged Rampage pick flower, give it to soulee i guess (the girl) and prey for infinite ammo. If you get it throw like your life was dependent on it and kill 6 enemies. The skullpted amulet for 4300 might help a bit. For Quick Death change the fast mode (hardcore) on play fourth stage and on boss fight let him swing twice and jump on him. repeat four times fast and you should get it. For Sword Master keep combing in survival and dont get hit. You can make it in about seventh zone. Cursed gauntlet for 6666 is a need. For Epic Hunt practice endeless hunter mode and avoid harder passage. Kill 200 or more enemis in one round and you got it. And finaly the Final Rush. Change the fast mode (hardcore) on and win last stage. Good luck with them. I hope I helped you a bit my dear reader.

4,002 posts

Since you've added quests, shouldn't there also be a quest tag on it?

11,891 posts

I was wondering why these quests were so hard when someone said they weren't. Then I realized there was a shop.

3,173 posts


There might be a problem with the quest
Quick Death (Kill Black Captain (on level 4) in less than 20 seconds.)

I put the game in Hardcore mode. Skipped the intro cutscene. Ran as far right as I could to the boss. Let him hit the ground then lift the sword up once and then hit him perfectly each time. I don't think there's anything left for me to do to beat him faster. Why did I not get this quest?

Also, could we get a timer for this boss, so I have some idea how long it's taking me?

Some additional problems with the other quests:

Harlequin Style
(Use the Harlequin costume and parachute, Cane and Apple.)

The word parachute isn't capitalized like the other items and costume should be capitalized too maybe?

It's not a cane that you use it's a fishing rod.

The phrasing "Use the Harlequin costume and parachute..." is ambiguous. Is it the Harlequin costume and Harlequin parachute or Harlequin Costume and the regular parachute? It would be more clear if it said use the Harlequin costume and Harlequin parachute.

The skins do not appear to have labels. So other than the picture it's hard to tell exactly the proper parachute and especially the "cane". A user might even assume the picture doesn't correlate with the costume used to unlock the quest.

Ranged Rampage
(Kill 6 enemies using projectiles with Infinite Projectile activated.)

There is so much luck involved in this quest it's ridiculous.
1.) You have to be lucky enough to see a flower spawn during the stage.
2.) You have to actually get the flower. There's a chance you will see it but miss it.
3.) The game has to spawn the woman that collects flowers. However, the game does not always spawn the woman, even if you collect a flower. I've actually completed some levels with a flower in hand, without ever seeing the woman.
4.) The game has to spawn the woman before the end of the level, yet twice I've had it where she spawns at the very end of the stage leaving me no enemies to kill.
5.) You have to spot the woman.
6.) You have to give her the flower, you can't miss her.
7.) You have a 1 in 4 chance that the woman gives you infinite ammo.
8.) You have to hope there will be enough enemies left to kill. This is much like problem four, the game seems to prefer to wait long stretches between the time you get the flower and the time the woman is spawned.
9.) If there are enough enemies you have to hope you will hit at least six before the power-up runs out.

So maximum 9 events have to occur, two of those could be clumped into one category making for a minimum of 7 events that have to occur for this quest.

126 posts

its possible to kill the captain in less than 20 sec.
hardcore mode on and hit him after his 1st attack 4 times.
i killed him in 18 sec and got the quest.

3,173 posts

Any other tips that could help me? I'm not sure if I'm missing something and doing it wrong or my game just won't register that I completed the quest.

Here's what I'm doing.

I'm in hardcore mode.

1.) I skip the cutscene.
2.) I run almost all the way to the far right side of the screen.
3.) The boss appears.
4.) He attacks down and the "dirt wave" appears.
5.) I jump the dirt wave.
6.) He brings his sword up.
7.) I attack him.
8.) He charges and I jump.
9.) Steps 3 through 8 repeat until he is dead.

I've beaten him without taking damage. I've beaten him with taking damage, but have the upgrade where I can attack immediately afterward. I've beaten him on a different computer. I've beaten him in Firefox and Internet Explorer. I don't see what I can do to beat him faster.

EDIT: I timed it. It looks like it's taking me 26 seconds. So what do I do jump on his head when he attacks down the first time for the "dirt wave"?

EDIT 2: This has got to be broken. I did this, in hardcore mode, boss appears, he creates the "dirt wave", almost instantly after the "dirt wave" appears I am hitting him on the head. I don't see how I can do this any faster.

EDIT 3: This has to be broken for me. I used a stopwatch to time it. The time includes the time it takes for the boss to initially appear and for him to die. I did it in roughly 17 seconds. No quest. I did a video screen capture and noticed it took me just barely over 20 seconds from the time the boss battle starts (right after the cut-scene) to right after the boss dies, but the screen capturing process causes my computer to lag and slows down the game play.

225 posts

Dayum, "Epic Hunt" 15,000 points = 200 kills, at least all enemies are worth the same amount of points.

126 posts

@reton8 skip the scene after boss quickly

225 posts

@ddevil6 He said he skipped the cutscene.

22 posts

Main problem with Epic Hunt that there is no additional bonuses. You have only 3 lives. With them it will be much easier.

225 posts

I just managed to do "Epic Hunt", requires some skill and remembering enemy setting on each type of barricade. I recommend using arrow against Elite Spearman that stands together with Captain at the beginning of one barricade, and another one against Cultist at the beginning of the tunnel filled with spikes and enemies.
For "Sword Master", I did it on level 9, which is the same level that requires 25x combo to get one of the stars. I guess character upgrade which increases combo duration by 1 second is very helpful for that quest, if not absolutely necessary.

11,891 posts

@Reton8: Try playing without fast mode on. The game clock might be running a bit faster than you think.

844 posts

In regards to killing the level 4 boss... I don't have an exact answer for you, but if other users are doing it, then it's likely something on your end. It could be incorrect in-game clock vs real-time clock. If it continues to be an issue, I'll ping the dev about it.

Opening this up to everyone... what should we re-name the description of the Harlequin Style quest to read as? If it's currently ambiguous, what can we re-word it as so that it's not ambiguous anymore.

3,778 posts

"Equip Harlequin Costume, Harlequin Parachute, Fishing Rod and Apples (at the same time)." or
"Equip 2nd Costume, 2nd Parachute, 5th Melee and 2nd Ranged (at the same time)."
And play a level, of course.

26 posts

"Infinite Projectile activated". how activet?
"the Infinite Hunter challenge". what is it?

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