Armor games lovers, I'm working on a website called Armoria. It won't have games, I'm leaving that to Armor Games. Any knights, moderators, or administrators wanting to help me work on it just tell me. What do you guys think?
Well since it's A okay. I have an idea! Users, in armoria might be able to login to their armorgames accounts there? Hmm I guess that would require more than just being a fan site huh?
Also, I'd be willing to help you make the website pretty. I don't do code, but people tell me that I'm good at making things look appealing.
There are probably people better suited to this on AG, though.
Edit: I'm still not entirely sure what this site is for, though.
@DeathPickaxe I think it's a great idea to make a logo. It would make the website look more professional. Maybe something like a blue shield with a picture of two crossed swords on it. And @StormWalker you could help make it more asthetically pleasing. The link is [url=]
@Legend_beast you could help get the word out to Armor Games members. If anyone wants an account on the website let me know. (just keep in mind I just started it so it won't look very good yet)