This is a fun game I have played that seems perfect for a forum game. It's been a while since I made a forum game, but here goes!
You must make four statements about yourself (They don't have to be too personal) in your post: Three being true and one being false. Try to make them start with "I" or "my". The person below you will attempt to guess which one of your statements is the lie. You too, must guess the above person's lie. If someone else previously guessed at your lie, you can tell them if they guessed correctly or incorrectly.
P1: Apple pie is my favorite food
My favorite color is maroon
I have 3 dogs
My favorite game on armor games is raze 2
P2: I think number 3 is a lie.
I like to play soccer
I got socks last Christmas
I am watching TV right now
I am at my Grandparent's house right now
And so on...
I'll start.
I like popcorn
I am using my phone to post this
I have traveled to Mexico
R2 and Jack posted "mmmmm" repeatedly on my profile about 6 months months ago.
Your house is not blue! Not every bit of it, anyway.
1. In games, I like attacking the enemy frontally.
2. In games, I like attacking the enemy stealthily.
3. In games, I like attacking the enemy from range.
4. In games, I like attacking the enemy with magic.
@red303 yea :3 dogs are awesome. @Loop_Stratos I'd say lie is #1.. everyone likes stealthily
1 - I don't like when teammates are selfish.
2 - I don't like to go alone against the enemy.
3 - I don't like when i'm healer.
4 - I don't like to play with noobs.
Well I suppose all of it isn't blue, Loop, just the overwhelming majority. My intended lie was 1.
I know 1 and 2 are right, so I'll say 3 I guess:
I get seasick extremely easily.
I recently was stung by a bee on the foot.
I recently joined the Armoria minecraft server.
I love the "Eragon" book series.
@red303 you answered wrong, the lie was #1, i don't live in the capital
Is the lie #4?
1. I am "annoyed" right now
2. I accidentaly hit my finger in my cactus a few minutes ago
3. I had a History of Art test today and i think i did bad on it
4. I feel very stressed nearly every day