The activity in the Forums seems to have gotten a bit better than what it was in 2013 and early 2014. However I feel as if it could still use some more activity.
The question is how should we go about changing it? Well, I don't have any ideas, but what do you guys think would make the Forums grow?
Hopefully this thread will be a bit successful, I have a feeling it'll fail in the first day but I tried.
Not as active as before... Now it's just like 10-15 users that make up the entirety of the forums. Before there was much more, in plus new people came frequently, as opposed to now.
Wha?...Oops. It seems when I clicked the I somehow saw that page and thought that you were the OP. Right up your ally considering the thread of yours I linked to :P
Well I tried looking at some 2010 and 2011 threads in the Tavern and I couldn't really find any that weren't rubbish. It seems it's not quite as simple as just looking back and finding a goldmine of good threads.