Forums → Quests → Sushi Cat-a-pult Quests
70 | 46410 |
- 70 Replies
70 | 46410 |
Meow Meow Meow Quests. Meow Meow for Meow Meow Sushi Cat-a-pult.
Moon Cat
Complete the game.
Hardness: Easy
Bird Bouncer
Bounce off 20 birds in one run.
Hardness: Medium
Buy every upgrade from the shop.
Hardness: Medium
Sushi Master
Get 10,000m on Sashimi Gardens endless mode.
Get 10,000m on Akami Beach endless mode.
Get 10,000m on Tokyo endless mode.
Reach max size then dont get hurt for 120 seconds.
Don't hit the ground for 120 seconds.
Hardness: Hard
the last make me want to stop play that game forever i complete all 10k 3 city
but the don't hit the grounds for 45 seconds is really stupid.
Kneeling down and praying the almighty
Oh crazy quest-maker, please never ever again make a quest so random/boring/undoable on a game so slow/instakilling-based-on-pure-luck/not-fun-to-play.
back on my feet
So long chaps, I'm done \o/ gonna have a life now.... or maybe try to finish GiveUp2 !!
I keep trying to get the final quest, but I keep running into a glitch where if I hit an obstacle, I stop dead in my tracks. No bouncing back or anything
Don't hit the ground for 45 seconds.
uhm... how on earth can this be possible to do?
edit: challenge accepted
I realize I'm a bit late to this thread, and the quest has now been nerfed to 45 seconds, but I just recently completed it and it said in game that I got it, but I do not have the quest. This is a glitch, and I would really prefer to not have to get great rng again
For those who struggle with Sushi Master, there is also a one thing, very important thing. But first I'll tell how I achieved it. I made this quest on June 27 2017 - I had lost all my hope after 6 hours of playing it with just 1 short break, but then, second day of trying to get SM. When I was falling down I saw the message in the corner (I think that was in the right corner). It was of course the last part - not hitting the ground for 45s. Sushi Master quest updated. Then the sound of getting the quest. And now that 1 thing: It is the fact that when you bounce off the objects, you might still touch the ground marginally (that you even don't see it) and it zeroes the timing. You need to hit them purrfectly. I've realised that when I achieved that quest - before I didn't really care about 0.01mm of that fat cat touching the ground - he was bouncing perfectly anyway. But no, I'm almost 100% sure that was the thing in my case, cause before I thought that this quest is just bugged. I was trying with the stopwatch (of course multiplying the needed time according to current FPS) and time was passing and passing and nada.
I also didn't hit any obstacles or "hurting" objects, but I've seen Tasselfoot saying, that it shouldn't cancel the timing. Yes I was lucky, but not extremely lucky, I remember times with much more birds in the sky on which I failed. I didn't hit the ground for 45 s on the first endless level.
For those who are still trying: I frankly wish you a good luck!
@bananamathpi - Been a while since you posted and not sure if you realized the answer, but the '45 seconds off the ground' is only 1 part of the quest.
You also have to get 10k in Endless in the 3 levels, and go 120 seconds at max size without getting hurt to get the achievement.
@Olinser But you have to admit that those 4 other requirements aren't the problem. I did 10k for all 3 Endless on my first try. And 120 seconds at max size while doing it on the first Endless level. Insta-kill is easy to avoid I had it like 3 or 4 times only while trying to get 45s over ground when I wasn't focused on avoiding high obstacles. I'm sure that bananamathpi is well aware of these facts too.
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