ForumsThe TavernSo this is the tavern...

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12 posts

Can I order beer here?

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622 posts

Uhhh... he doesn't go on a baby dragon rampage?

In Blaze's case, he wasn't going closer to the flames until a strong wind pushed him into the fire and continued to gust the flames, which he then "happily" accepted and rested in. Seeing his dragon breath (or to put it more accurately, dragon explosions) now makes me think that he can probably control air, compressing the air and then igniting it with his own flame.

8,260 posts

Jade is a fitting name indeed! She seems to like it, she's already responding when I call her that way. Thanks for the idea Nietz!

ap, spray some drops of holy water on your dragon and observe its reaction. That may give you a clue. And maybe he has two elements like Blaze? Light would appear logical. And quite ironic, considering you're a shadow XD

17,384 posts

Honestly, I'm not sure how this is going to work if my dragon is chaos element. It seems fine as it is but I'm not too sure what environment would be considered as chaos element.

16,463 posts

Hmm... how about this? *takes a silver crucifix and puts it close to Tenryu*
hey... do you like it?
*Tenryu crawls even closer to it, until eventually touching it, and then, slowly and carefully rubs his head on it*
HEY! I guess his element is Holy... just as I thought!

Holy Magic is pretty good according to my knowledge, maybe he can even get healing skills someday?

But now... how am I even going to discover his second element (if he has one)?
How many elements even exist by the way? O_O

622 posts

As of now? I think there's 118... although I'm not sure, let me check the periodic table *ba dum tsss*

Kidding aside, Dragons are mostly known for producing a fiery napalm, some are more notorious for their acidic breath or poisonous gasses, others are known for making blizzards and there are a rare few that spits out lightning. But more importantly, Dragons are able to manipulate a lot more than just elements. For example, Gore (Chryo's dragon) seems to be able to shut off all inhibitors of weak-minded creatures thus causing their frenzy. While Jade (HaHiHa's) can probably hypnotize targets to become "immobilized" since she doesn't seem to turn anything into a stone, and she doesn't seem to have shown the ability to produce poison. Also, not all dragons have an elemental breath and some are just plain "claw out their eyes" type.

8,260 posts

Most dragons are specialized in / restricted to one or two forms of magic due to their ancestry. They use their magic intuitively, and I have never heard (though that doesn't mean much) of a dragon learning new forms of magic. Forms like fire/wind or holy/healing go well together and are often encountered simultaneously. The paralyzing gaze ability of Jade is more specialized and would be tremendously weakened in combination with other forms of magic.
As for Gore... I admit I am a bit worried, because I suppose there must be a chaos source nearby that corrupted at least one of the eggs in the nest; being the magical creatures they are, dragons are particularly receptive to such sources of power. I hope I'm wrong, though. A source of chaos is the last thing we need.

PS. Demons are chaos beings, right? I'm thinking maybe Doom's presence in the tavern might have been enough to turn Gore's egg into a chaos dragon :P

7,022 posts

Except I've really been absent for a while. It can't have been me

16,463 posts

So... Tenryu seems to like his Silver Crucifix a lot, so that probably means his first element is Holy (I had no doubts about it), but I'm not very sure if his second element is actually Healing... I know Holy may come with Light, Healing... I actually even remember seeing creatures that had Holy and Thunder together!

Does anyone know when Dragons start speaking? I wish I could talk to him to know more about his likes (and possibly his element)... *Tenryu starts biting his Silver Crucifix, as if he were hungry*

Oops, I'll go get him some food *talks friendly to Tenryu: stay here while I'm out * *leaves*

622 posts

I'm pretty sure Gore's a natural chaos dragon. If it was Doom's fault (or some other source) then every dragon egg would have a darker element than normal. Also, Gore looks strong and healthy from what I can see.
As to language, I think Dragons can learn it fast. Our dragons already understand us so it's not farfetched if they started talking to us after a few months

8,260 posts

I never doubted Gore's health and strength, but I am not aware of any naturally chaotic living beings. I always thought chaos can only corrupt, never (pro)create. Then again it's a dragon, not any regular animal, so who knows... I'm not a chaos expert ^^

I also ignored that dragons could speak. Can you? *looks at Jade questioningly* *Jade returns the look with her mysterious eyes for a moment before resuming gnawing at the haunch before her*

Hmm... as if I got some images in my head. Is it possible that, for lack of actual speech, they are capable of telepathy?

622 posts

I feel Jade doesn't have one magic, she probably has telepathy too! Or maybe... she has psychic powers and my hypnosis theory is correct!
Blaze never gave me mental images, he only shows emotions and replies in a normal way
*looks at Blaze*
Right kiddo?
*Blaze looks back and slowly nods*

Hmmm... Blaze! We should go flying today!
*cloak/wings spread out and Blaze follows me outside*

17,384 posts

It's entirely possible that chaos beings are from another dimension. I mean chaos isn't exactly a natural element you can find in the world.

*Gore starts scratching my back for attention*

Ow! Hey! Please stop that Gore! I'll get you something to eat okay?!

*gives another dead rat to Gore in which he happily eats up*

16,463 posts

*gives Tenryu some food* here
*Tenryu gets happy and eats it ^_^ *
So... what do you want to do now? *it starts raining outside, and it quickly becomes a thunderstorm*

Oh no! I guess we can't go outside right now, Tenryu, lightnings are too dangerous for a Shadow and a Baby Dragon
*Tenryu tries to walk/crawl outside a few times, before me taking him back in again*

Hey! Why do you want to go there?
*Tenryu carefully bites his Silver Crucifix and raises it with his mouth*
Uh... what? Did anyone understand what that means?

8,260 posts

Dunno. Maybe he likes thunderstorms?

Hope we'll be able to train them to fly soon... Jade has already grown quite a lot, but her wings are still small.

622 posts

It would be awesome if Tenryu is actually a Holy and Water Dragon. Heals for days as long as there's water

Anyway *lands on the tavern doorstep and goes inside*
Blaze seems to know more magic in his Air element than Fire, his flight is achieved by spreading his wings and then using the air around him to blow him off the ground (trust me, he never even flapped his wings but I felt the push of the wind). Also, he can make rather small air barriers to keep himself from getting wet under all the rain. Pretty sure he can go faster by manipulating more air to push him.

I am still looking for some elemental runes, anyone got some?

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