Relax, my technique includes not drawing cards at all.
The ace of Dogs! *pulls out a card with a dog in an airplane wearing googles and a long red scarf*
*puts it over the glass with the black king*
And my favourite, the Moon God.
*Produces a small luminiscent blue pyramid from his pocket and puts it over the Voodoo Zombie*
*The Voodoo Zombie catches flames and disappears*
*Grins victoriously*
And now for the dice.
*rolls a weird 64-sided dice and gets 1* *the pyramid changes to red*
Mark of Death! End of an Era! Where did you get those two cards? I thought they were restricted during the Fourth Dynasty!
I admit, I use rare and obsolete pieces too, and magic words, but Eternal ****ation is the PRO-est combo I've ever seen.
Let's see what Doom has to answer.
Mamibo: Ace of Dogs, Black King (in glass), Moon God (red) {Unfinished Garmanjupa}
Chryo: Three of Scales, Vicious Hand, Mark of Death, End of an Era, Five of Wolf {Eternal ****ation and something else building up}
Doom: Two of Sculls {probaly the Old Butcher or something}
It's Doom's turn, hmm... And I won't be able to finish the Garmanjupa without the Three of Darts... What am I to do...
*Lights pipe again*
Not bad @Chryosten . Except my turn comes after mamibo, not yours
Thank you for playing those in advance though, you've revealed your plan before my actual turn, making it so easy to ruin it with one, tiny, card
*plays a Rob Zombie and takes End of an Era from Chryos, placing it in my field*
*adds a chess pawn into the game*
*rolls the die, getting a 3 an adding 3 more pawns*
Now technically it is chryos' move, but since he so rashly tried to play before me, mamibo should go