It appears that once in every while, we need the assistance of our helpful mod next door! Would you like some strengthening ale sir? Now that I am awake again, I can tell you, it is an amazing experience!
You don't need to buy it. Fish I am here to help you distribute it!* Takes the entire container of Klein's Beer and starts pouring it onto the heads of the mortals here*
huh. better time than ever to try thin out... look at the post below to figure out what i am just about to do...
P.I.E. CANNON ACTIVATED!!!!!!! ALL PERSONNEL EVACUATE THE AREA!!!!! FIRING P.I.E CANNON!!!!! *random person* Pies? YUM *giant laser beam comes out of the sky* P.I.E. is the acronym for the laser. the tech name is Plasma Ionized energy orbital cannon Class .928 Version 78.5D.
that is from nightmarish horrible scenario whats-it...