Welcome to the UserFuser 9000, a word-based game based on usernames. You just received the GantiCorp's spiffy new UserFuser 9000. Neato! This nifty device allows its groovy users to fuse two other users into one super fly user.
1. Use the UserFuser 9000 on the two previous two users.
2. Tell us what comes out!
Gantic: I've got no one to use the UserFuser 9000 on.
Player2: I use the UserFuser 9000 on Gantic and myself and get Ganter2.
RandomPerson12345: I use the UserFuser 9000 on Gantic and Player2 and get GanticPlayer2.
Since I am the first person, there isn't anybody to fuse. Since there will only be one person for the next user, that user can use the UserFuser 9000 on the both of us.
@helpo1 being revolutionary and such...he uses Modtek's UserFuser even though we don't know if Modtek made such a thing...Maybe you should ask Freakenstein or one of the other mods...
Anyay, I shall punish you for your revolutionary attitude by using Ganticorp's controversial new UserFuser9000 on you and Terry_Logic to get helly_Logic1