I get a white screen when trying to run flash games on armorgames.com. Unity runs fine, I have disabled m ad blocker for this site. I am using google chrome. i have also experimented with other websites running flash games and they work fine it is only armor games. This only started about a week or 2 ago. Would love to be able to fix this because i have been playing armorgames for years.
@Elengil Odd, we tested other sites and found they had the same issue. Can you provide an example? Also, have you tried updating Flash? Going to guess so. You could also try re-installing Chrome. And we are talking about Chrome right? Not Chromium or some other version?
@Elengil Two versions of Flash? I admit I'm a bit lost here, I wish I had a better way of figuring out the issue. Or even was able to duplicate it. Have you tried an "Incognito" window?
Well, I keep them both around since often enough when one causes problems on the site I'm on, i just swap em out (plugins page) and often things work again...
And its not hard, one of them is the chrome "native" version, and the other is the manually installed version.
And incognito seems to work, while the normal just freezes...