Please add some history to the games that someone has played with.
I think this is a great idea! Let's ask @Ferret!
Though I know they are already working on some major updates for the site.
I have no idea what this suggestion is suggesting. Do you mean to say that you want AG to display which games you have (recently/ever) played?
@FishPreferred Yes, he means exactly that. Like, a browsing history, except the games you have played.
@siodala @SirLegendary @FishPreferred We have discussed this as a possibility. Who knows, it may one day happen.
What if he meant history as in each game has a history of players that played it recently.
Hey @Ferret, how about also including a bit about the Developer of that Game? @SirLegendary, what do you think?
That's a lot of work for the AG team though.
@SirLegendary, I think they can include 'Developer History' atleast for a few notable Games!
Hmm, yes, the developer being included is a possibility. But this isn't on our current radar yet I think!
@Ferret, Can this be added to the 'AG To-Do list'?
please add minecraft armatar
@andrei11211 I don't think minecraft has any connection to AG though. Meaning AG did not create minecraft, nor the site host it for users to play.
Also @andrei11211, it is not the topic that is being discussed here!
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