Yo guys. Was last on maybe 2-3 years ago, not sure what I've missed. Is there anything new I should know about? BTW comment on my wall if you want to converse.
Aside from the return of TTICA, the return of the Ganticombs, the non-game quests, Joey Betz leaving, the clan extinction, disqus, disqus bugs, the knights, the new mods, the big trial, the edit button, and (depending on when you left) Jhon leaving and Ferret arriving, nothing comes to mind.
Also, quests(depending on when you left), dice, coins, AFG, Forum search, new look for editing your profile, Armatar contests are back(depending on when you left), forums have been arranged differently, MMOs(depending on when you left), that latest game updates button next to Game News, Count to 100, tags, random game button, new rating system, Home page has changed, drop down button at the top for your account, mobile games section, Developers button, and Videos button.