In about two days, it will be April 1. And do you know what day April 1 is? Well? That's right, it's gonna be April Fool's Day!
So, I decided to make this thread in order to find out what kind of practical jokes you like or would like to pull on your friends and family. These aren't limited to physical pranks. These could also be Internet pranks.
FOUND ANOTHER REALLY FUNNY ONE (dad told me about it)
another one.
Leave cryptic notes warning someone of an impending prank then do nothing all day.
Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone’s computer.
(there is a real one!)
Yes the prank was sad for everyone that game sounded fun, but the second I read the description about building and creating a world I realized the only thing the has to do with Sushi Cat is the sushi.