Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
You're banned for claiming that I was defending the Coconut Guild.
Banned because I ate all the fruitcults.
You're banned because I have a broccoli.
You're banned cheese is only as sweet as the onion dip your drink your Orange juice on.
Banned because i refuse to eat broccoli
You're Banned because Cormyn is no longer a mod/admin of this site
Banned or fired because you're on fire!
I ban thee
You're banned for using old english.
you're banned for allowing this thread to dip in the lower portions of the second page! Shame on thee.
You're banned for posting on the first day of the month.
You're banned cause so did you.
You are banned for not posting at 11:11 a.m. on 11/1/11.
You're banned because you didn't either. Anad thats hypocritical.
You are banned for not knowing what I was doing at 11:11 a.m. on 11/1/11, calling me hypocritical, misspelling "and" as "anad," and conjuring bonsai trees.
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