So, if you Star Wars fan boys (such as myself) haven't seen it yet. You should definitely check it out. It will really bring up some thoughts about the movie.
I really think it was a great idea to use the old actors to follow with the timeline. Though, what really catches me is the new villain, and how Luke says "My father has it." Does that imply that Vader is alive?
I've seen several trailers yesterday evening, but this one was completely new for me @SirLegendary! Thanx for sharing the link!!
Well, we all know the scene where Luke was with his father when he died and at the end of the final movie (now the 6th, since they're making a new one ) returned as part of the force alongside Obi-Wan. So basically, he's not dead, but simply a part of the force now!
I do wonder how this new movie is going to unfold into a trilogy. There's new Stormtroopers appearing (those silver and red ones) which look massively awesome! And the new villian seems like a knight with his cross-saber... hmmm... maybe Armor Games will have a cameo in it? Haha
I like how everyone is already conjuring theories! You have to admit that the second teaser trailer is far better than the first! We'll just have to wait and see! I for one, won't miss it!
So for now, wait for the official trailer I guess.
and how Luke says "My father has it." Does that imply that Vader is alive?
My opinion is the following. Vader clearly died in Luke's arms and was cremated in Return of the Jedi, and the mask in the new teaser trailer is obviously molten/broken, hence we can assume consistency. So Vader is not alive, technically. But like Yoda and Qui-Gon before him, he, what is the correct term, ascended to a spiritual force form? That may be the reason why the present tense is used. That, or it is a stupid mistake.
My opinion is the following. Vader clearly died in Luke's arms and was cremated in Return of the Jedi, and the mask in the new teaser trailer is obviously molten/broken, hence we can assume consistency. So Vader is not alive, technically. But like Yoda and Qui-Gon before him, he, what is the correct term, ascended to a spiritual force form? That may be the reason why the present tense is used. That, or it is a stupid mistake.
Hmm perhaps he's part of the force now. Since they put him next to obi-wan and Yoda in the end scenes of Return of The Jedi.
@MrDayCee I'm sorry <--- *laughing while embarrassed
I didn't mean to sound like that. I was agreeing to what you had said. Also, in a way, Vader is kind of dead, just not fully. Also, I'd like to point out that it may be possible that Vader lived after Luke left him. Maybe? Because Darth Maul was actually alive after Obi-Wan cut him in half. Vader could maybe use the force to communicate since he's too injured to do so physically, like he's in some sort of a coma. After all, the only one who can rival in force abilities with Luke is probably Vader.
So sorry @MrDayCee! At least, we've come to the same conclusion independently, which is a good sign, right? Hehe...
Also, I'd like to point out that it may be possible that Vader lived after Luke left him. Maybe?
Actually, no, this is not possible. Luke did not leave Vader. He took his father's corpse with him, and later burned him on a funeral pyre, remember?
And the very same trailer that spawned this discussion also confirms that Vader's body was burned: id=15.1&H=160&W=160" alt="" />
And to be honest, I think it is best they don't try to revive him. It could possibly only be achieved through some very crooked way, and it would prevent the new storyline from fully developing, which would be disappointing. So for the sake of the new movie, I hope Vader stays dead and the story can move on.
I really think it was a great idea to use the old actors to follow with the timeline. Though, what really catches me is the new villain, and how Luke says "My father has it." Does that imply that Vader is alive?
He probably means in spirit. Remember the ending of the 3rd movie.
Luke can see them through the Force. I'm guessing that's what Luke meant.
"My father has the force within him, just like me and my sister..." that's what Luke is talking about probably. It means they all have a strong attachment to it, which at the same time makes them all very vulnerable for the dark side of it as it grows so strong within their family's heritage of it.
A theory going around is that Luke isn't the one talking.
Also in regards to the force ghost..when I asked someone about it they put it along the lines of: think of it like a Skype call, but from a different deminsion. The call has good reception at first...but eventually the call begins to drop.