So it appears that right now, images can only be included with your post if they can already be found online. I'm pretty experienced with forums that allow you to upload images directly from your computer, which makes things much more convenient as you're not forced to use sites like Photobucket to host images. How feasible is implementation of something like that? I think it could certainly spice things up on here; I know that I'd include images with my posts much more often if this feature were provided.
Direct uploading of pictures could be especially beneficial for art threads or armatar contests. However most people that are participating now must have accounts on image sharing websites already.
@andelhofs, I don't know if you realized this or not, but you're going to have to open up another site, upload your image, get your direct link, and then paste that link here. Whereas if there was just one upload button here with one of those blue buttons, a lot of the process would be removed, making the whole thing much faster and more effecient.