Thought of this just now while I made a random post on the count to 100 thread, could be fun.
Template: Roll any die or set of dice. "If I roll a (number), (something)."
Example: 1d20=16
If I roll a 17, God exists.
If I roll a 10 I will fast today. 1d20=8
If I roll 2 I will wall tweak in my principals office
If i roll a 1, the world will be doomed in one century.
hory sheet
yeah...great job!
If I roll a 219 I am going to change my real name and be gone from AG forever
If I roll a 56,I will get wrecked on the Richter scale.
Ohwhereyouat = 27 Oh ****.
If I roll a 12, I have to jump off a cliff: 1d12=6 oh thank goodness!!
No one had a stake worse than what i rolled.
And the feeling when the roll is the same amount.
If i roll a 201, the world will be doomed by 50 years faster.
i almost doomed the world twice
If I roll a 92....Then everyone has to get a hair cut 10d20=126 That was a close one
If i roll between 50 and 100, i'll shave my hair and stubble off
GoodbyeHairOrNope = 72
@crickster can you post a photo?
If I roll between 100-150 ill eat a live cricket
PleaseNo = 139
@Greg7077 I posted a before and after on my tumblr page
@crickster you look good! IMO I like you better without all the hair
If i roll a 1 Ill jump off a bridge
If i roll a 60 i will roll again in a different post in this thread immediately.
If i roll a 6 I'll actually upload a video on youtube
If I roll an evening number, nothing going to happen. 1d20=2
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