Please also note that the relevant criteria, "torture", "cruel", and "degrading", do not meet the qualifications for a cannibal act, and "inhuman" cannot rationally be applied to the behaviour of any human being. You've just committed another genetic fallacy; specifically the association fallacy.
: to treat (someone or something) poorly and without respect
: to make the quality of (something) worse
: to cause (something complex) to break down into simple substances or parts
Cannibalism is a degrading act even when done with complete respect (if that's possible).
So, what you're suggesting is that we should not impinge upon the freedoms of others in order to satisfy our emotional biases toward their choice of action? Interesting.
No that's what the U.N is suggesting, that is also what nations around the world are suggesting because they signed the declaration.
Doesn't... even... make... sense.
Dead people have rights and thus they must give consent (which they can’t but still). People not dead also have rights.
Many others haven't, so the point is moot.
Because they are not even 25% let alone 50% you cannot say many. They are clearly a minority among minorities.
Find me at least 9 in the dozens in this list that still continue the practice to date as a whole. It even has the information of the religions for you ^_^.
If this is clear, you should have no trouble explaining why cannibalism is unfavourable, rather than focusing upon how frequently it falls out of favour. Loss of popularity is not sufficient grounds for illegalizing something.
It has fallen out of favor as punishment centuries ago by the most modernized nations because cannibalism is a set back in civilization. Not cannibalizing is a piece of tech that we humans have developed, despite how humorous it may sound it’s true, it’s similar to how humans started to take baths and showers; it’s nothing overly complicated, at it’s core it is a very simple piece of tech; you can debate that this is a cultural achievement however a cultural achievement is also tech. We will always know better than to cannibalize our fellow humans unless there is an extreme circumstance.
a : the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area : engineering 2 <medical technology>
b : a capability given by the practical application of knowledge <a car's fuel-saving technology>
: a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge <new technologies for information storage>
: the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor <educational technology>
So? As I've pointed out before, having something negative associated with it under some circumstances does not imply that it is bad. That's a genetic fallacy. Also, what exactly does modern warfare have to do with any of this?
Bad is defined as...
a : failing to reach an acceptable standard : poor <a bad repair job>
b : unfavorable <make a bad impression>
c : not fresh : spoiled <bad fish>
d : not sound : dilapidated <the house was in bad condition>
a : morally objectionable : evil <bad men>
b : mischievous, disobedient <a bad dog>
: inadequate or unsuited to a purpose <a bad plan> <bad lighting>
: disagreeable, unpleasant <bad news>
a : injurious, harmful <a bad influence>
b : serious, severe <in bad trouble> <a bad cough>
: incorrect, faulty <bad grammar>
a : suffering pain or distress <felt generally bad>
b : unhealthy, diseased <bad teeth>
: sorrowful, sorry <feels bad about forgetting to call>
a : invalid, void <a bad check>
b : not able to be collected <a bad debt>
So yes it does. Modern Warfare is related to this because it shows how underdeveloped the civilization is. Even WW2 era arms can stand up against modern arms, this shows how far back they are, how vulnerable they are, and how their civilization continues simply because a superior civilization allows them too.
Not necessarily. Anaesthetic is defined as.
Pain is defined as
“Pain is an unpleasant feeling that is conveyed to the brain by sensory neurons. The discomfort signals actual or potential injury to the body. However, pain is more than a sensation, or the physical awareness of pain; it also includes perception, the subjective interpretation of the discomfort. Perception gives information on the pain's location, intensity, and something about its nature. The various conscious and unconscious responses to both sensation and perception, including the emotional response, add further definition to the overall concept of pain.”
No, it won't. That's an irrational generalization.
“So the cannibal is in the class by himself. And he knows it. This produces a euphoric state which activates the pleasure center in the brain. Each cut brings more good feeling. So it is common to find many smaller cuts on the body. The process is that exciting.”
So in conclusion the cannibal “amplifies” his lust over a human because it puts him in a superior position (dead or alive) because the cannibal is degrading the other which also supports my argument. This may make more sense if you read more of the article.
Actually, no. Japan was tried for "crimes against humanity" due to the appalling treatment of their prisoners of war. Cannibalism is not a war crime, or anything like it. Torturing POWs by dismemberment most certainly is. Your conflating the two means yet another association fallacy.
You have activated my
trap card.
“The Japanese Lieutenant Hisata Tomiyasu who was eventually found guilty of the murder of 14 Indian soldiers and of cannibalism at Wewak (New Guinea) in 1944 was sentenced to death by hanging.”
“Japan was tried for "crimes against humanity"” so thus with the point standing true I thank you for supporting my argument.