Every game with quest has some easy and so less easy quests to complete most of them are achievable in couple of minutes, hours or some even days.. but almost never more than 3 day.. some quest-games (MMO and some others) have an option to buy virtual items for real money.
Let me remind you that all quest can be achieved for free.. some need an event to go faster but some take weeks.. (if you don't have many free time, even months) here is a list of how much a specif quest cost to completed with real money (only quest included that take more than 24 game hours).
(also remember all payment are via Armorgames and Armorgames only support paypal, yes very annoying but face it or direct contact and offer money for x, some devs accept ;-) )
Shellshock Live 2 "get 60 levels" - and, maybe "get 15th level".
King of Towers ... well, its debatable, but some of its hardest quests (equipment one at least) could use some extra payment too.
@Andelhofs What's the point of this list? A lot of games can be accelerated using RW money, though many don't require it. For example, you won't go that much faster(maybe a day or two) with clicker heroes purchases. But for others, you'll go much faster. Unless this list is just to show games that have insta-buyout options, you should probably revise it. Also, consider free resources, such as WM free blessings. I believe you start with 1000 from the tutorial or something. Additionally, you can't even complete the games' quests until you kill a dragon, which is price-independent.
Let me remind you that all quest can be achieved for free
This list is the maximum a quest cost (with hard cash) if you need them to be achieved..
Example for ROW i need only mutated from scratch.. (so now i know thanks to list this is maximum 35 real dollars) andi will pay this.. not support the game but a part goes the Armorgames.. witch i support.
If you can help me improve the text in first post.. be my guess
Are you counting things that accelerate quests, or only things that make quests zero effort(even if it only takes a tiny bit of effort to complete the quest in the first place).
Earth scorcher is an example of a quest that can only be accelerated, and not finished. There is however the 60 weapon quest, which is purely purchasable(weapon packs + premium).
I'm also guessing dawn has a few purchasable quests, though you still have to put in some work. Also, 3 million damage(EBF 4) is obviously much easier with the full edition.
Gemcraft(notably labyrinth) heavily benefits from premium(challenge amulets, as well as the 'get level 12 while fighting the first map'). Gemcraft CS isn't as bad, but again, magician's pack helps a lot(I suppose you could 'buy' talisman fragments with cores, and obviously the other quests are much easier).
Last Stand DZ - you can buy 5 (premium) weapons, probably $$$ your resources to a radio tower/receiver, upgrade one of your weapons, and build a watchtower.
KoT - practically, every quest is made 999x easier with cash. E.g. equipment shards take forever to earn otherwise.
Weapon Masters - similar to KoT. Arguably, you could use blessings to buy items to cube, enhance anytime, and summon dungeons until you find a dragon.
Sacred Treasure - theoretically easier with $$, difficult to quantify though.
RoC- quests scale on your level, so most everything I guess. You could technically buy chest keys to finish almost every quest.