ForumsThe Tavern1,000 Facts You Didn't Know.

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This thread is a series of unusual and interesting facts.

What kind of facts? Facts from all corners of the world; from book authors to exercise to quantum physics!

I will start off with number 1 and we will ascend from there, feel free to add on, just get the number right. Also this could be a forum game but it kinda isn't so correct me if I'm wrong.

1. You can hold plutonium in your hand and 'not' have your well being harmed, just don't breath it in.

2. You can't prove that the world was created one minute ago and we're filled with (technically) false memories.

3. The word bullet comes from the French word Bulle which means 'ball'.

  • 97 Replies
7,024 posts

123. Schwarzenegger, in the first Terminator film, had a lot of trouble saying the famous "I'll be back" line, because of his Austrian accent. He requested to say "I will be back" instead but Cameron refused. They shot the scene dozens of times and picked the best.

2,980 posts

124. In the US it's illegal for someone under the age of 18 to be in possession of a felt pen. It's considered "graffiti paraphernalia".

7,024 posts

125. It is technically legal to murder a Welsh with a bow and arrow in a certain city in England, if the action is performed within the city walls past midnight. Probably a very old law that has kinda stuck.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

126. The British have a team of legal experts burrowing into old laws to sieve out and repeal those which are too outlandish and outmoded.

45 posts

127.- There are currently over 100 million Game Boys in the world; both the original and the colour variant. 32 million of them are in Japan, and there are 44 million in America.

128.- Before they settled on its unique, painted look, the developers of Okami, Clover, originally intended the game to look realistic. You can unlock a concept video of this by finishing the game. It was changed because the PS2's hardware wasn't sophisticated enough.

129.- Online gaming isn't as recent a development as you may think; in the '90s, a modem peripheral called the Satellaview was released for the Super Nintendo. It let gamers download gaming news and specially-designed games. They were mostly remakes of retro classics.

566 posts

130 The leech has 32 brains, yet it cannot beat the human brain. Aha! We rule!

45 posts

131.- Early iterations of Nintendo's failed Virtual Boy console included a gun you'd set vertical on a flat surface that would project a 3D image into the air.

132.- GoldenEye's famously brilliant multiplayer mode originally contained three Bond actors as playable characters; Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton. Their data was left on the cartridge, but you couldn't select them without using a cheat device.

133.- Namco developed a special PSone controller to be used with Ridge Racer Type 4. It was called the Jogcon and had a wheel in place of the analogue sticks.

8,256 posts

130 The leech has 32 brains, yet it cannot beat the human brain. Aha! We rule!

134. The segmental ganglia of invertebrates are structurally different to what is called a brain. In invertebrates, the brain (if present) is the result of the fusion of several ganglia (just as the head is a result of the fusion of several segments). The brain also has a somewhat different function than a ganglion.

Invertebrate Nervous Systems

135. The different arms of an octopus can move mostly independently due to separate ganglions. The octopus does also have a brain.
7,024 posts

136. Speaking of Octopi, they have 3 hearts

8,256 posts

Speaking of Octopi, they have 3 hearts


137. Moar octopus facts! Because their body is so squashy, pretty much the only thing that limits the size of interstice they can squeeze through are their eyeballs. If their eyeballs fit through, they fit through.
45 posts

138.- In critically panned crime caper Driv3r, there was a Hawaiian shirt-wearing character called Timmy Vermicelli - a clear parody of the star of GTA: Vice City, Tommy Vercetti. The character wore swimming bands, poking fun at the GTA hero's inability to swim.

139.- In Grand Theft Auto 3, one mission saw you chasing a "badly animated" (in the words of Asuka) character called Tanner, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Driver lead character of the same name.

140.- The PSone was originally planned as a Nintendo console, with Sony set to design its electronic components. When Nintendo ditched the project, Sony decided to make a console anyway.

2,980 posts

141. Niel Patrick Harris is gay

142. Dolce & Gabanna are gay

143. Ian McKellen is gay

144. George Michael is gay

145. Alexander the Great was gay

146. Leonardo da Vinci was gay

147. Walt Whitman was gay

150. Adolf Hitler... ............................................…...............anyone?

45 posts

141. Niel Patrick Harris is gay

142. Dolce & Gabanna are gay

143. Ian McKellen is gay

144. George Michael is gay

145. Alexander the Great was gay

146. Leonardo da Vinci was gay

147. Walt Whitman was gay

150. Adolf Hitler... ............................................…...............anyone?


151.- The death screams of the bad guys in the original Golden Axe are digitized from screams used in the films First Blood and Conan The Barbarian.

152.- Star Fox Adventures originally started life as Dinosaur Planet, a game developed entirely by Rare. It starred a blue fox called Krystal, who later became part of the Star Fox crew.

153.- The damsel-in-distress that Mario rescues in the original Donkey Kong is called Pauline. In the Japanese version she was known simply as 'Lady'.

7,024 posts

Oh...we got to videogames now Fine then, here are mine:

154. In 1989, a videogame company called Karvina Corporation released Killswitch, an action adventure game that is still regarded as one of the greatest mysteries in the entire history of gaming. An urban legend has formed around it with no one being able to verify its existence, meaning, it may have never been published at all.

155. Killswitch gave the player the option of 2 characters, a demon named ghast who was invisible and a woman named Porto that could increase or decrease her size. Because Ghast was invisible, everyone chose Porto due to the difficulty of playing as Ghast (not even the players could see him).

156. Aside from its great difficulty and extremely complex puzzles, neither the company, nor anyone else could find and publish (internet or not) the solutions or understand the lore, except a user named Porto881 to whom we owe much of the knowledge we possess about this game.

157. Once the player completes this game, it erases the save file and self-uninstalls, making it impossible to play as both characters (!) Copies were also made for 1 use only.

158. Multiple players sent angry letters to the company but most just searched for a second copy of the game to complete it. Unfortunately, the company had foreseen this and published only 5000 copies (!) It is due to this that no known player has ever managed to finish the game as ghast.

159. Eventually, the last known copy of Killswitch was purchased in 2005 by a japanese guy named Yamamoto Ruichi for $733,000 in an auction. Yamamoto then announced his intention to finish it as Ghast and make a video of it, to post it on Youtube and finally reveal the story behind the game.

160. So far, the only video uploaded by him, is a 1:45 minute long video showing him sitting in front of his computer and the character select screen...He can be heard crying!

more about killswitch here

45 posts

Videogames rules!

161.- Guitar Hero: Aerosmith wasn't the wrinkly rockers' first videogame appearance. In 1994 they starred in an on-rails shooter called Revolution X where you had to rescue the band from kidnappers in a dystopian future. No, really.

162.- In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty, a scene was removed from the final game where Snake is chased through the sinking tanker by a rush of water. Kojima said it looked good, but wasn't fun to play. Footage still exists of this in early trailers.

163.- The first western-developed Xbox 360 game to break into the top 10 of the Japanese game chart was Gears of War. It made its debut at number seven after selling 33,000 copies. It charted in January 2006, over two years after the Japanese launch of the console.

Showing 61-75 of 97