Forums → The Tavern → 1,000 Facts You Didn't Know.
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This thread is a series of unusual and interesting facts.
What kind of facts? Facts from all corners of the world; from book authors to exercise to quantum physics!
I will start off with number 1 and we will ascend from there, feel free to add on, just get the number right. Also this could be a forum game but it kinda isn't so correct me if I'm wrong.
1. You can hold plutonium in your hand and 'not' have your well being harmed, just don't breath it in.
2. You can't prove that the world was created one minute ago and we're filled with (technically) false memories.
3. The word bullet comes from the French word Bulle which means 'ball'.
- 97 Replies
62. Most species of catfish have venomous spines located in their fins. The venom isn't dangerous, but it's painful.
63.- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.
64.- In Spanish, the word "esposas" means both "wives" and "handcuffs."
65.- You can change your language on Facebook to "Pirate."
66. Saint Patrick was not Irish or Catholic.
67. Erwin Schrödinger did not demonstrate, support, or even believe in quantum superposition.
68. Female echidnas and platypi can sweat milk.
70.- If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.
71.- If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
72.- If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, you might pop an eyeball out.
That's all some very nice and positive facts about sneezing
73. AG was founded by DanielMcNeely (profile is now named DannyAG) as Games of Gondor back then
@Doombreed Glad you liked it
74.- Money notes are not made from paper, they are made mostly from a special blend of cotton and linen. In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, USA, notes were made out of wood for a brief period.
75.- The Grammy Awards were introduced to counter the threat of rock music. In the late 1950s, a group of record executives were alarmed by the explosive success of rock ‘n roll, considering it a threat to "quality" music.
76.- Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of New York.
73. AG was founded by DanielMcNeely (profile is now named DannyAG) as Games of Gondor back then
Yeah, thanks for telling us what almost everyone that's been a member for longer than a month knows.
@Esquilache I can do better:
77. If you force it to hard when you're taking a dump, you can rupture your abdominal wall and develop a hernia.
78. You can get high off of your own waste by concentrating and inhaling the fumes.
79. Coprophagia is the clinical term for someone eating poop.
Yeah, thanks for telling us what almost everyone that's been a member for longer than a month knows.
Νot really, I've met some people asking for help with AG history Besides, the members for less than a month also check this place
@Esquilache contrary to popular belief you actually CAN sneeze with your eyes open. And no Eyeball will pop out, that's a myth
80. Kurt Goedel essentially proved that some statements in math will never be proved and we have no way to know whether they are true or not. As a matter of fact we will never know. Αnd he proved it using math! This discovery shook the mathematicians globally then, as an entire movement, all the mathematicians who believed that "in math, there is no ignorabimus" was shattered.
81. The last great mathematician currently living is Andrew Wiles, a British University professor who managed to prove Ferma's last Theorem, one of the 3 most difficult problems in Math.
82. Kurt Goedel continued his work for a few years, until he started suffering from depression. He was eventually inducted into a hospital, where he committed suicide by starvation. He intentionally ate nothing because he thought that the nurses were trying to poison him.
83. About 8,000 Americans are injured by musical instruments each year.
84. David Hilbert was possibly the greatest mathematician of the 20th century and the leader of the movement described in my previous post (formalists). He made numerous mathematical advancements and shaped the world of math by presenting a list of difficult problems and asking for their solution. So far, not all of them have been solved while some have even been proved false or incapable of being solved.
85. Hilbert was extremely disappointed at his son's inferior intellect and mental condition (Franz Hilbert developed schizophrenia). In the end, Franz was forced into an asylum against his will, where he spent the rest of his days. David Hilbert kept insisting for the rest of his life that he has no son and never visited Franz in the asylum.
@SportShark Lmao! I ain't forcing it no more.
@Doombreed Not a myth.
86.- Sonic The Hedgehog isn't only the name of Sega's speedy mascot, but also a gene on chromosome 7 of the human genome. Well, it was until recently when the science community decided to ditch all of its 'comedy' names for genes. Party poopers.
87.- Matt Damon refused to appear in the recent Bourne Conspiracy game because he thought it was too violent. Not fussed by the violence in the films then, eh, Matt?
88.- Ever wondered what happens to Leon's cool leather jacket in Resident Evil 4? It inexplicably disappears after the scene in the village. Well, on the PS2 version, go through Ada's side-quest and one of the Ganado villagers will be wearing it.
It appears you want me to prove it...ok
Theere you go @Esquilache XD
89. The laser beams used in part processing ( cutting, hardening and cladding bits of material) are actually invisible.That is because of the light's wave nature. The frequency at which it oscillates is way higher than red light's frequency (which is the end of the visible spectrum with the highest frequency - violet light having the lowest)
90) the reason of the phrase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is a popular sample text is it`s a pangram which allows devs to test text processors like notepad and word.
in other words, that phrase contains all 26 letters in the latin alphabet
91) @ancientman5 created the first non-pinned thread in the tavern. it`s called "ribbit ribbit" and it contains a joke about saltine crackers
91) ancientman5 created the first non-pinned thread in the tavern. it`s called "ribbit ribbit" and it contains a joke about saltine crackers
It is the last in the list because it hasn't been updated for the longest time, not because it was created first. Here is an example of an earlier thread that is slightly up of the list:
>Know any good jokes?
And remember only to tag users if you want to catch their attention.
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